deleted [4.17] "Carrying Water" For the W.H.O. and Bill Gates - Breaking CHLORINE DIOXIDE News - FISA DECLAS

@00:10:17 mms rather than chlorine dioxide but for

[1.21] New Q - Peach Mint - POTUS @ Davos - “Coronavirus” - UFO Disclosure

@00:16:59 home and mms the whole state and i must
@00:17:09 shrinking jordan with his mms and his

[12.13] Helluva Week Recap: IG Report - Impeachment - Greta - Vaccines - SPACE FORCE!

@00:25:40 try that mms live but then we all know
@00:25:49 chlorine dioxide that's mms is actual

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:16:11 on about mms it we'll talk about in a
@00:17:22 and then last thing speaking of that mms
@00:17:29 warning mms miracle mineral solution as
@00:18:02 gonna make mms and drinking on camera

[11.22] Talking Latest News, Projects, Q&A

@00:26:52 shit for mms all the time people call me

[9.10] Live from the Swamp - Great Awakening Rally Tomorrow!

@00:38:20 this channel like mms chlorine dioxide

Do The "Medical Authorities" Own Your Body?

@00:10:30 otherwise known as mms the medical

[8.21] The Pacific Northwest Is Woke AF

@00:21:36 mms no i haven't it's tough to get it's
@00:21:47 for selling mms and that was actually in
@00:22:00 jail for a few years for selling mms

[8.19] Live from the Geerage

@00:29:46 out a very bad article on mms and it was
@00:30:15 about chlorine dioxide about mms is that
@00:31:02 that no mms is not a drinking

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:20:42 this right here mms otherwise known as
@00:20:48 compound some people just call it mms
@00:23:31 effects of this mms folks you guys right

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:26:45 how often do i use mms yeah that'll be
@00:26:53 i'm just gonna make mms on my channel
@00:27:30 mms is not technically a beat bleach but
@00:27:38 not used mms well no i have i used it
@00:27:49 too much a lot of questions what is mms
@00:28:03 disinfectant or water purifier and mms
@00:28:29 ingredient is chlorine dioxide or mms
@00:30:11 instead of mms do your own research on
@00:33:10 to get 35% at least and mms for me is
@00:33:42 mms can't oxidize our body cells it
@00:47:10 so i've used mms you know i've i'm one
@00:47:25 have vaccine injured children go try mms

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:03:05 bleach you know mms it's not a bleach
@00:03:09 anybody that throws the mms is of bleach
@00:15:12 over three months ago about mms where i
@00:21:56 mms coming soon quite frankly i still
@00:22:18 do a video on mms discussing the science
@00:35:19 connect bringing it back to mms chlorine
@00:35:33 they're like oh crap mms actually works

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:08:16 especially she's attacked mms chlorine

[7.24] Latest Q - Mueller's Hearing - "QAnon Gets Sued" - RBG: "I'm Alive!"

@00:22:56 dioxide or mms bleach is just a

[7.7] Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence - A.I. Makes A Vaccine - MMS

@00:00:51 mms will deconstruct those and figure
@00:14:23 they are going to to attack mms to
@00:14:31 my video on mms a few months ago is
@00:14:45 mms and this is just awful again they're
@00:14:53 of fake propaganda if mms was toxic
@00:15:25 on chlorine dioxide and mms i would
@00:15:50 that's using mms is kidding andrew
@00:15:58 i'm gonna mix up explain mms drink it on
@00:16:23 vaccines and mms they wouldn't be doing

Welcome to the Garage!

@00:19:36 so say mms the compound that a lot of

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:31:25 my video on mms a couple of months ago
@00:31:30 about mms the first one that actually
@00:31:33 chlorine dioxide or mms on youtube
@00:31:53 is attacking mms aka chlorine dioxide -

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:08:11 know since i've talked about mms or

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:01:05 and then some stuff about mms we'll
@00:39:00 thing i have to say is on mms mms i'm
@00:39:12 that are being thrown out about mms or
@00:39:28 that i've gotten for mms is by this dude
@00:39:35 history of mms and it's not it's really
@00:39:58 mms and it's really badly done he's
@00:40:08 around mms or chlorine dioxide and he
@00:40:20 a little over two years ago about mms
@00:41:00 in mms into their search engine you
@00:41:21 youtube video on mms you uploaded
@00:41:33 youtube deleted my mms video this one

[5.28] QAnon Attacks - Michael Flynn FISA - UFO "Disclosure" - Amazon Censors MMS

@00:00:08 mms will be talking ufos all the stuff
@00:07:27 now let's move on into talking about mms
@00:07:37 mainstream media today against mms mms
@00:07:57 about mms i had like 300,000 views i
@00:08:05 out of the mainstream media against mms
@00:08:12 propaganda push of attacks on mms it's
@00:08:37 about mms and chlorine dioxide now a few
@00:08:55 propaganda about mms and chlorine
@00:09:42 stuff but you can harm yourself with mms
@00:10:12 you know that mms video uploaded a
@00:10:24 scientist who's using mms in actual
@00:10:57 also jim humbles book he's a huge mms
@00:12:42 it very truthfully talking about mms for
@00:20:25 a few q and on mms a lot of other things

[5.27] Attacks on QAnon - More Mainstream UFO Articles - Cancer Studies, Vaccines & 5G

@00:04:49 attacked lately over mms over chlorine

[5.25] Live from Autism One

@00:07:09 recently for mms she was attacking this

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:01:18 mainstream media about mms mms is
@00:01:30 mms and then i want to talk about ufos
@00:21:25 about mms i want to take a good few
@00:21:26 minutes here to talk about mms i'm gonna
@00:21:34 youtube took down a video i had on mms a
@00:23:06 entitled mms one of the biggest f views
@00:23:30 mms has been identified by medical
@00:23:53 mms has curative powers which the
@00:24:06 video that mms video youtube deleted it
@00:25:28 inquired to youtube about the mms videos
@00:27:19 warning letter back in 2010 about mms
@00:27:29 about mms but how come the epa the
@00:29:22 shit on me right now for mms is just
@00:29:42 this mms stuff and again it's all the
@00:30:40 what's funny is that with this mms
@00:30:51 actually when it comes to mms in my
@00:31:03 know using mms are using it for far

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:12:01 attacked for quite a bit lately is mms
@00:12:06 the mainstream media is mms chlorine
@00:13:21 no mms isn't necessarily toxic bleach
@00:14:48 warning letters about mms aka chlorine
@00:14:53 just call it mms fda put out warning
@00:14:56 letters about mms saying it's toxic
@00:16:00 so mms is one of those big topics in
@00:23:10 mms we went through talking about some

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:31:36 probably doing better than some can mms
@00:32:09 etc so can any of mms be utilized in a

[4.25] Latest Q (FBI Spying) / Rothschilds Sell Assets / UFO Disclosure (Sort Of) / Vaccine Truth

@00:16:50 malaria in mms wow mms it's very cheap
@00:16:58 know it's been said that mms can kill
@00:17:17 censoring mms on the internet maybe
@00:17:21 censored about mms is because it's so

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:14:50 lately mms i've been talking about mms
@00:14:57 mms makes me wonder if this is why mms
@00:15:06 because mms has been shown to be a very
@00:15:26 such an attack on mms lately is because
@00:15:52 so no wonder they're attacking mms

[4.11] Talking Assange, Other News and Hawaiian Adventures

@00:19:36 you know my mms video was taken down
@00:19:58 funny you know that that mms video i
@00:20:17 myself another video and i have mms i
@00:20:51 mms i've also had a lot of people ask me
@00:21:19 there about mms and i might even go to a
@00:21:23 seminar on mms later this month and i'll
@00:21:34 content a lot of good background on mms
@00:26:15 mms and no not mms or miss or miss up on

[4.7] Live from Hawaii - Here to Swim With Dolphins!

@00:08:50 they took away my video on mms so they
@00:09:20 yeah guys i will do another mms video
@00:09:44 mms miracle mineral supplement into
@00:09:56 there's been a lot of censorship of mms

[3.8] Big Pharma News - Vaccines / AntiVax Censorship / FDA Commissioner resigns / AIDS Cure

@00:16:00 is mms you can literally youtube mms
@00:16:06 of them of people who have tried mms and
@00:16:12 and mms is very cheap very simple
@00:16:37 posts about mms in the past there was an
@00:16:51 check out mms in regards to aids
@00:16:53 mms great stuff in general you can look

Don't Wait For Big Pharma To Release the Cures!

@00:02:59 grade hydrogen peroxide mms various

[11.30] QProof on Pence's Twitter / Putin / Church Raided / Space Force / 5G / MMS

@00:12:58 canada and it has to do with mms i
@00:13:01 literally have mms right here i use it i
@00:13:19 for selling mms there's been multiple
@00:13:25 selling mms free daniel smith but we
@00:13:38 miracle mineral solution mms contains
@00:14:16 so yeah that's some bs right there mms
@00:14:23 gonna decide to go the mms route but it
@00:14:32 about mms saying that again mms is a

[10.20] Live Chat - The Health Hour

@00:32:45 learn about the mms protocol of jim
@00:32:53 audience oh yeah mms i have a few
@00:33:12 funny they say mms mms is a acronym
@00:34:20 the attack mms so much because it's so
@00:34:38 with it where to get mms you're probably

[9.25] Q Comms - Did 4chan Troll Avanetti? - Gab Trolls Twitter - Facebook & YouTube Problems

@00:12:46 estonian group for promoting mms m m s
@00:12:51 mms for some background here is an
@00:12:57 called chlorine dioxide mms stands for a
@00:13:02 nickname for it but mms is amazingly
@00:13:15 you is that because of how cheap mms is
@00:13:32 dioxide or mms citing violations of its

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:12:23 video on mms i will do that very soon

The Only Way to Heal Disease

@00:01:20 mentioned b17 mms cannabis none of those
@00:01:39 vitamin b17 or mms and yes they will

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:20:00 mms you have the gerson therapy you have

Checking in from LA - Conscious Life Expo

@00:09:28 or this mms or this you know somebody

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:25:20 and you can also check into mms of
@00:25:26 releases regarding mms being a bleach
@00:25:31 tell us but mms is actually a wonderful
@00:25:49 so you want to be careful with mms but
@00:26:01 just chlorine dioxide is what mms is
@00:26:13 two i'm familiar with i've used mms i
@00:26:30 remedies mms is a remedy vitamin b17

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:11:41 is about something called mms or
@00:11:48 you're not familiar with mms i'm going
@00:12:00 mms i did a video on this right when i
@00:12:18 about mms because i had it on me and
@00:12:20 what mms is is that it is a mineral it's
@00:12:37 internally right so mms has always been
@00:13:00 around mms and this newsweek article is
@00:13:04 yet more propaganda mms you want to be
@00:13:35 and i invite you guys to check into mms

Live Chat - FISA/FBI/Secret Societies/Secret Space Program/Tesla/Electric Universe/Health/Big Pharma

@00:45:50 mms versus colloidal silver so colloidal
@00:45:58 silver in water and mms being a form of
@00:46:11 two i have seen mms cure cancer
@00:46:16 i've seen the mms and the gerson therapy
@00:46:37 to the normal store and get it mms is
@00:46:49 to you but mms is more potent and
@00:46:56 depends mms you want to be very careful
@00:47:43 use same as mms yes and no so getting
@00:48:05 cancer site normally with mms it does
@00:48:12 than our human cells that's why mms you
@00:48:27 food grade hydrogen peroxide and mms are

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:26:05 look into mms the miracle mineral
@00:26:39 somebody said i mentioned mms which is a

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:03:43 dr. rife talked a little bit about mms

YouTube censorship, Upcoming conference, & AMA

@00:30:51 mms where can you buy it i believe you
@00:31:02 america so mms is
@00:33:18 mms some of
@00:33:24 describing mms it's fantastic internal

7.14 - Health News (Cancer Cures, Vaccine Truth, & Deconstructing B.S. Media Health Advice)

@00:07:00 the oxygen therapies like mms and food
@00:09:17 gerson rife mms i've seen these