Bush funeral

RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:01:59 honorable funeral
@00:02:02 and this is from bush's funeral you see
@00:02:08 this is from bush senior

Assassination Attempt on POTUS, 9 Pedos Arrested in Central Texas, John Paul Rice Exposes Pedowood

@00:09:05 what was in the bush
@00:09:06 funeral envelopes you guys remember this
@00:09:09 at uh bush seniors uh funeral where

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:01:38 domestic dog state funeral next week
@00:01:44 back when bush senior had his funeral in

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:00:20 funeral okay now when persons jeb bush
@00:01:37 that i believe that bush senior was
@00:01:44 funeral happen on d5 of last year and at

D5:Q:Grassley Hunting Obama & Biden, Epstein & Israel, RBG DC Hospital Mystery Deepens

@00:12:13 was a butchered body of bush senior now
@00:12:19 can watch the funeral the bush senior
@00:12:21 funeral you'll see that the american
@00:12:31 funeral so when jeb bush saw the body of
@00:12:47 course then that bush senior funeral
@00:12:52 was the white hats who executed bush

Jeb Bush & Clintons Haiti, Stone & Steele Threats, Sawyer Daughter Rape, Obama Donor Arrested

@00:04:30 pence at bush senior's funeral being so

Ohio Meteorologist, Subway, Tunnels, Oprah, Planned Parenthood

@00:08:17 w bush a major satanic pedophile of
@00:08:21 that george w excuse me george bush
@00:08:24 senior's funeral one among many so i

Q, RBG Hoax, Bioweapon Threat: Tying It All Together

@00:17:06 those notes were passed out at bush
@00:17:08 senior's funeral they didn't just go to

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:05:47 ruse and bush senior's funeral was

Barr Delayed, POTUS Wins, Graham Rebukes Mueller, Vaccine Fraud

@00:09:35 notes at president bush senior's funeral

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:08:30 letters received at the bush senior
@00:08:32 funeral and the reactions of family

Ginsberg Death, Bush Sr Funeral, and the POTUS Plan

@00:01:29 with the bush-cheney funeral
@00:01:35 with him on this first of all the bush
@00:01:39 funeral was not a distraction by the
@00:01:54 trump had bush senior executed exactly
@00:02:00 at that funeral on december 5th he

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:08:20 senior number 25 was the bush junior jw
@00:08:26 bush george w bush bush jr. flipping
@00:08:30 bush senior funeral read the envelopes
@00:08:38 g hw bush funeral of december 5th mr.

Tim Holmseth: Clinton Probe Leads Directly to Pence

@00:24:21 around at bush senior's funeral everyone
@00:24:28 happened at bush senior's funeral which

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:08:48 reason why the notes at bush senior's
@00:08:50 funeral were passed through the women

Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

@00:01:26 notes being passed around a bush
@00:01:28 senior's funeral to the wives of these

Cheney, Clinton, Pence Conspiracy Against POTUS, Q, Economic Future

@00:01:08 clips from the media on the bush scene
@00:01:10 or funeral and he shows this interesting
@00:01:33 the whole bush in your funeral i mean

Sabbath Hike: Prayer vs YouTube, Twitter, etc

@00:09:34 at the funeral bush senior not not the

Major NY Child Sex Ring Busted, Sick Child Marriages, Pray for FLYNN!

@00:07:56 at bush senior's funeral hallelujah all

DC Tunnels Shut Down NOW, Pedophile Disney, Miracle Healing at Prayer Group

@00:00:50 everybody at bush senior's funeral go

2 Huge Prison Barges Headed to Gitmo NOW

@00:05:28 buddha bush senior's funeral along with

How Q, POTUS Double-Cross The Satanic Pedophiles, Breaking News Dec 10, 2018

@00:04:05 evil people coming to the funeral of
@00:04:07 bush jr. on wednesday because as many of

USA Child Marriages, Pres Trump's Tweet

@00:02:48 the funeral service today at
@00:02:50 presidential president bush so donald
@00:02:57 the funeral service of bush senior was a
@00:03:07 potus says that bush senior's funeral