
Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:11:10 crowdstrike put in the conscience of

Julian Assange Victory

@00:07:42 crowdstrike
@00:07:44 crowdstrike is the server that managed

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:32:29 know a crowd strike is crowdstrike
@00:32:47 out the word crowdstrike and get that

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:02:41 and crowdstrike
@00:08:21 this it not only brought crowdstrike
@00:08:28 actually use the word crowdstrike which

Vatican Raided, Brennan's Fake Passport, SerialBrain2 Commentary

@00:07:54 things are happening with crowdstrike
@00:07:56 that is the crowdstrike manage the

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:01:13 ukraine that you thought crowdstrike had
@00:11:17 it maybe be that he's on the crowdstrike
@00:12:03 stuff about crowdstrike and it entered
@00:12:07 crowdstrike

Deep State War on Barr & POTUS, Clooney & Epstein Exposed, Correcting Stallone Info

@00:02:13 managed by crowdstrike that directly

CIA, Brennan Wages War on POTUS, Clarifying Mark Taylor Rebuke

@00:05:42 about crowdstrike
@00:06:42 crowdstrike
@00:06:53 crowdstrike with this server that's out

POTUS Calls on Adam Schiff to Resign, Crowdstrike Terrifies Hillary Clinton, Optics on Soros

@00:01:19 american public is crowdstrike
@00:01:23 crowdstrike i would remind you of what
@00:01:40 crowdstrike server the server that was
@00:01:43 managed by crowdstrike
@00:02:27 crowdstrike that's sort of connected to
@00:05:48 key word crowdstrike this is why hillary

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:02:11 hid' hilary's crowdstrike server in you

New Q: Lucrative Fetus & Organ Black Market Behind Abortion, DNC Never Hacked

@00:09:27 crowdstrike a firm hired by the dnc