Linda Smith

4 Children Stolen by Arizona CPS: Sara Johnson's Story

@00:56:42 linda colin smith was also murdered yeah

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:07:45 this arkansas gop state senator linda
@00:07:48 colin smith i've made now a couple of
@00:08:19 state senator linda collin smith and
@00:08:39 the murder of state senator linda colin
@00:08:41 smith the fbi is also looking into

Epstein Pilots Subpoenaed, Ratcliffe Appointment, Obama's Embezzlement

@00:03:04 and arkansas linda collin smith reported
@00:03:53 senator linda colin smith told them she

Scope of Durham's Investigation & New Info on Murdered Linda Collins-Smith

@00:04:09 dead but linda collins senator linda
@00:04:11 colin smith was the first one that was
@00:04:19 senator limited linda collins smith was
@00:04:50 all right was linda colin smith
@00:05:13 lot of speculation about how linda colin
@00:05:15 smith criticism of government corruption
@00:10:21 this decision has to say about linda
@00:10:29 collins smith collins has served one
@00:11:56 linda collin smith was murdered and may

Arkansas Senator's Murder & CPS/DHS

@00:00:54 screen working here linda colin smith
@00:01:04 killing a former senator linda collins
@00:01:07 smith this is from yesterday so remember
@00:01:29 senator linda collins smith the randolph
@00:03:25 from them senator linda collin smith so
@00:04:54 state senator linda
@00:04:55 smith of arkansas was found shot dead in

Alabama to Castrate Pedophiles, Hillary Wanting to Flee

@00:02:25 senator she this lady linda colin smith
@00:02:52 linda colin smith was elected to
@00:04:43 for 2019 former state senator linda
@00:04:46 colin smith reportedly found dead from a