
False Flag Jan 20th Richmond, Queen of Illuminati Targets Me?

@00:02:35 mockingbird media will be strategically

Disney Pizza Shirt, Corey's Digs, Walt Disney Satanic Pedophile

@00:14:40 world of tomorrow operation mockingbird

Yes, Ruth Ginsburg is Still Dead, Q Declass Coming!

@00:07:29 rogue agencies opie mockingbird is the

Major Naval Activity near Gitmo, Ginsberg Death, Comey Tweets

@00:01:47 mockingbird on broadway but joe storm is
@00:02:07 mockingbird joe says ruth bader
@00:02:20 killing the mockingbird about how you

Solomon Exposes Comey, Another Obama Era Official Bites the Dust!

@00:04:58 dumb you watch the mockingbird media and

Angela Disney & Rose English: Together Exposing UK, Ireland Satanic Pedophiles!

@00:20:32 mockingbird these three things have

Interview w/ Rose: UK, Theresa May: Exposing UK Satanic Pedophiles

@00:21:14 in the mockingbird media just like to