
Pelosi calls Republicans Domestic Enemies, Resolution Against Qanon, Baptist Pastor Charged as Pedo

@00:13:08 nasa researcher who's been accused of
@00:13:41 research for nasa
@00:14:19 and to nasa regarding his affiliations

Simpson's Creator, Epstein & Adrenochrome, HRC's Pizza, Q's Ominous Warning

@00:09:22 termination of nasa launch program doj

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:14:58 payments while getting nasa funding a
@00:15:12 from nasa a criminal indictment unsealed
@00:15:47 from nasa over several years an fbi

Impeachment Collapse, 2500 Rescued from Human Farm, Ricky Garcia Takes Down Disney

@00:15:15 nasa to torture our children and so it

Part 5 of 5: Tour of Juneau, Alaska with John & Jeff

@00:29:28 from the cia from nasa trying to divide

From Rodham to Collins: 10 Dead/Missing in 72 Hours

@00:04:13 previously worked for nasa and the world

Fraudulent FISA & Comey Ignoring Child Sex Crimes

@00:05:41 against nasa in 2015 and 2016 the

Q: POTUS Trolls Lisa Page, RBG Still Dead, Much More to Come

@00:08:11 and i believe it will be a nasa folks

SRA Survivor Evonne: Dad was 33rd Degree Freemason

@00:08:05 went to work for nasa i have no idea
@00:08:16 so yeah he was heavily involved in nasa

Sabbath Teaching: Trumpets, Rapture, Atonement and Prophecy

@00:13:53 even need nasa to figure this out

POTUS Traps Democrats, Flynn's Setting Sun on Deep State

@00:06:35 nearly everyone at nasa is being told to
@00:06:37 stay home that's fine we don't need nasa

Prophetic Teaching on 12 Tribes of Israel -- Youtube Restored It!!!!

@00:12:39 than the nasa his older brother and his

SRA Survivor Aaron Golub: Washington DC Tunnels Satanic Pedophilia

@00:02:23 point for nasa he actually worked with
@00:03:56 being working with nasa he was also a

Washington DC Satanic Pedophile Tunnels

@00:02:24 a father who was worked for nasa and he
@00:02:29 liaison between nasa and many people

Sabbath Evening Chat with Daniel: Hebrew Feasts in October Not September 2018

@00:13:27 don't need nasa or modern day

Satanic Pedophile, Baby Murdering Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland

@00:07:58 royal family military nasa into the pope

Asteroid to Fly By Tonight on 8th Day of Sukkot 2017

@00:00:46 week nasa confirmed that what looked
@00:01:57 but nasa is really fascinated because

The Scriptural Proof for when a New Moon Occurs

@00:03:18 you don't need nasa to figure out the

Part 7 of 17: The Book of Galatians: Against Torah???

@00:20:17 nasa puffed yourself up you're not

Happy New Sabbath Hebrew Year 2016: Trump and Spiritual Dynamics

@00:17:22 rib went out his back and nasa all died

Sukkot 2014: Day 7 IMAX Human Body

@00:01:39 that nasa has or you know that some

NASA's New Image of the Universe and Yah

@00:00:13 nasa recently published which shows
@00:01:47 known universe by nasa spells out the

Live Skype Recording 12/25/13: Hanukkah Teaching

@00:14:11 proof he wanted me to look up the nasa