North Korea

US Marshals Rescue 8 Children, POTUS & Ike on Stopping Endless Wars, Western Washington Trump

@00:10:01 president trump threaded the north korea

Biden Aids CCP w/ Nuke Tech, Satanic Ritual Calendar, More Trump Historic Peace Deals

@00:09:39 yet he's established peace with north
@00:09:40 korea he's

Massive Crowds Surround Buckingham Palace, Google GITMO Camp Justice, Pizza Party Children's Book

@00:13:24 north korea leader kim jong-un appears
@00:13:40 north korea and that kim jong-un whom
@00:13:51 states and north korea that's
@00:14:01 world war three with north korea and in

Cascade of Potential Deep State Events to Pray Against, Australian Satanic Pedo to be Sentenced

@00:02:31 idea that somehow north korea is about
@00:02:41 korea has been showering on north korea
@00:02:56 north korea for hostilities at the dmz
@00:03:54 to push in north korea or if this was
@00:04:08 north korea so just very very
@00:04:15 prevails in north korea i think the beef

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:19:46 started a nuclear war with north korea

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:14:07 north korea are trolling the media we
@00:14:14 forging peace with north korea when the

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:03:34 barack obama hillary clinton how north
@00:03:38 korea and saudi arabia are tied into all

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:08:10 the north korean to north korea to meet

Obama Paid Iranian Missiles Result? Zero US Casualties

@00:04:40 he said same as we saw in north korea
@00:05:12 exact same pattern happen in north korea
@00:05:26 dealt with north korea and this is how
@00:05:31 be a tougher nut to crack than north
@00:05:33 korea because the deep state has been
@00:05:38 than north korea then they work with
@00:05:40 north korea but nevertheless president

Iran, The Deep State & Trump's Plan for Peace

@00:03:31 they were in north korea before
@00:03:34 remove the deep state assets in north
@00:03:36 korea they're getting these kickbacks
@00:16:37 north korea you know way back in early
@00:16:59 like north korea in order to create
@00:17:01 peace and that's what he did in north
@00:17:02 korea and that's what he's going to be

Ron Paul Attacks President Trump Over Missile Strike

@00:05:23 with north korea that's exactly what
@00:07:54 just like he did in north korea are

POTUS Exposes Pelosi, Virginia Causing Militias Explosive Growth Across USA, Moves & Countermoves

@00:15:28 with syria with north korea i would also
@00:16:44 with north korea he's gonna lead us into

Fake DS NK Missile Launch Scare, POTUS Tweets Qanon Account, Romney Tied to Epstein

@00:01:20 north korea and missile launch scares
@00:01:39 sends spy planes over north korea
@00:01:41 december 26 japan alerts north korea
@00:01:53 to fake a missile launch and blame north
@00:01:57 korea so enoch posted this whole thing
@00:02:37 controlling north korea he's been able
@00:02:39 to form a relationship with the north

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:05:14 with north korea that's what he said he
@00:07:57 refugees in another country does north
@00:07:59 korea that's right comedy bombing

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:05:26 north korea and us was ridiculous
@00:05:28 operatives in north korea that president
@00:05:33 get to the north korean leader to

Chemtrails: X Marks the Spot: Prophecy and End Times

@00:02:30 have started a nuclear war with north
@00:02:32 korea and he's exactly right and we

Kirk Pendergrass: To Free Field McConnell & Destroy the Unlawful Judicial System

@00:01:13 north korea okay iii did get deceived i

Julian Assange Victory

@00:09:58 syria the ceasefire is intact like north
@00:10:02 korea deep state continues to launch
@00:11:14 peace with north korea and it's still

Sabbath Teaching: Dominion Theology, Noahide Laws and Prophecy

@00:03:35 north korea i mean he said that people

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:08:33 weapon technology to north korea during

New Q Drops: "Be Ready" & Dalai Lama Screams The Loudest!

@00:10:12 north korea and he's gonna be achieving

POTUS Fakes out Deep State, American Human Trafficking Worst in the World

@00:01:23 same thing happened when north korea

9th Circuit Court Hands POTUS Huge Victory

@00:08:25 north korea because i was buying into
@00:08:31 war with north korea in fact now there's
@00:11:12 in north korea just like he did in syria

POTUS Rebukes Deep State & DS Attempts "Event"

@00:06:38 with north korea way back in 2017
@00:06:44 these ships surrounding north korea did

Helicopter Crash to Nam: Deep State Desperate to Cover Its Tracks

@00:04:12 out in north korea who was assassinated
@00:05:13 bush were fortifying north korea as a
@00:05:46 basically help them make north korea
@00:06:24 crisis of a nuclear war with north korea

Declass Ordered & Deep State Pushes Back

@00:10:24 going to war with north korea back in

Masonic Lodge Busted, Mueller Report a Whitewash

@00:03:32 sanctions on north korea i have ordered
@00:03:55 north korea and this means that you know
@00:04:09 heading toward peace with north korea

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:02:37 to six months it's created in north
@00:02:39 korea to be used on china or russia now

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:06:25 attempted to do when he flew to north
@00:06:27 korea this was a while back and he flew
@00:06:32 to north korea for the very first summit
@00:06:34 with the president of north korea and

POTUS Defies Deep State Expectations, Illinois Abortion Bill, Iowa Catholic pedophiles

@00:07:28 with north korea and under george w bush

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:03:42 nuclear war with north korea and russia
@00:03:49 been in a major nuclear war with north
@00:03:50 korea had he not been elected in other

The POTUS Head Fake: Deep State Gnashing Their Teeth

@00:02:29 this nuclear war with with north korea
@00:02:32 now we have peace in north korea
@00:03:10 north korea and of course now look we're
@00:03:14 syria and north korea now people are say
@00:04:30 he's gonna start a war with north korea

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:06:02 deep state was created in north korea
@00:06:05 north korea is the world's largest
@00:06:14 vaccines in north korea and he's
@00:07:19 north korea the deep state still has

Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

@00:03:42 for enemies and iran in north korea

2nd Interview w/ David Shurter: Ted Gunderson, Columbine Shooting, Child Sex Trafficking

@00:37:22 north korea and i got upset about him

Responding to Critics of Victor's Interview

@00:03:03 north korea now i know a lot of this

Trump Announcement 7 Days Before Hanukkah!!!!

@00:02:43 he was adding north korea back onto the

Israel Strikes Iranian Base Near Damascus, Trump Delays Decision

@00:00:48 declare north korea a state-sponsored

Part 3 and Final Part: Detailed Prophetic Timeline of Great Tribulation

@00:02:47 north korea with the situation the

Part 1: Detailed Prophetic Timeline for Great Tribulation

@00:11:26 mr north korea the rumblings in the

North Korea, Missiles, Iran Navy in Gulf

@00:01:30 nations including iran north korea and

Russia and China to Strike USA Without Warning

@00:03:07 along with north korea iran cuba i think
@00:05:28 north korea russia and china really
@00:05:32 with north korea and my amar with the

Revelation for Dummies: Current Geopolitical Events Explained

@00:02:53 russia north korea attacked the united
@00:03:04 north korea escalating tensions we are
@00:03:06 about to see china russia north korea

Saudi Arabia Switches Alliance from USA to Russia and China

@00:02:21 whole thing with north korea the united
@00:02:24 states wants a war with north korea
@00:02:27 war with north korea the united states
@00:03:21 china just like north korea now they're

Part 1: Pyramid and Enoch and John and Judas and Prophecy

@00:13:00 he isn't forsaken that north korea

Could I Still Be Wrong About My Timeline?

@00:01:38 he's gonna destroy north america at the
@00:01:40 hands of north korea russia and china
@00:01:44 north korea are good they're evil -
@00:01:52 russia and china and north korea and

Three Horns Uprooted in WW3: USA, UK, France (Daniel 7:7-8)

@00:08:33 and north korea and these league of

The Time is Cut Short: Part 2

@00:00:38 china and north korea and many other

The End of the USA Draws Near

@00:03:23 gonna allow our enemies north korea

Prophecy Unlocked: Purim 2018 to Fall 2021

@00:02:43 north korea and this nuclear war that
@00:03:53 nuclear war between us and north korea

Assad's Downfall, Talmudic Dark Magic, Trump & The Brink of WW3

@00:12:06 against north korea and war is is
@00:14:34 syria north korea number there was a

Bashar al-Assad Hoarding WMD'S Isaiah 17 and Destruction of Damascus

@00:00:21 they're saying north korea and iran have
@00:01:08 him out russia china iran north korea

North Korea Threatens Nuclear War with the West

@00:00:16 with china and north korea north korea
@00:00:30 united states has dismissed the north
@00:00:31 korean rhetoric south korea has
@00:00:35 north korea we will severely punish you

Syria Bombs Lebanon Twice: Iran Hardens Stance; World War 3 Continues to Build!!!!

@00:05:22 russia china north korea syria bashar

The Syrian Proxy War, World War III and the 16 Weeks of Summer PART 3

@00:04:19 tensions going on in north korea between
@00:04:21 north korea and south korea now things
@00:04:33 north korea damaged syrian missiles so
@00:04:37 here we have an article about north
@00:04:40 korea helping assad regime says a
@00:04:45 delegation of north korean technician
@00:05:13 basically we see that north korea and
@00:05:17 in the year between north and south
@00:05:18 korea it's it's not that those things of
@00:05:30 will so you see north korea as well
@00:06:52 putin and we can also throw in north
@00:06:54 korea because if that article i just

Boston Bombing, Waco Explosion, Ricin Letters, OKC Explosion, South Bay Sabotage

@00:04:28 know north korea already is now

Prophectic Implications for 2013 and 2017: Part 2

@00:02:03 israel syria north korea iran egypt