Red Cross

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:03:52 the red cross because of the so-called
@00:03:57 did you donate to the red cross to help
@00:04:29 this red cross warehouse and here it is
@00:05:36 piles of cash all through the red cross

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@00:01:47 he says the chinese red cross has
@00:02:09 that's how many donations the red cross
@00:02:15 red cross has become the most searched
@00:02:50 money through the corrupt red cross via
@00:03:05 early on - 55 to 56 to 54 about the red
@00:03:09 cross and we know the red cross has been

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@00:12:23 pedophile read at the red cross event

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@00:07:31 i've reported about the red cross q has
@00:07:34 exposed the american red cross as being

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@00:11:10 i think it's connected it was once a red
@00:11:13 cross of course if you know about red
@00:11:14 cross the red cross is a big-time
@00:11:28 money to the red cross they're a
@00:11:36 was once a red cross and a gm plant not

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@00:12:27 house of busch red cross skullenbones

Donut Woman Screams: Minute 11:30 and onward: UCLA Day 9 Part 1 of 4

@00:18:09 of golden cross the red sea and he could

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:09:12 services adoption agencies the red cross

Episode 46 -- 17 Part 2

@00:07:04 the israelites across the red sea they
@00:07:11 pesach excuse me but did not cross until

Episode 6: Should Women Teach Biblical Doctrine?

@00:05:13 miriam did when they cross the red sea