
Prophetic Implications of Yom Kippur 2020

@00:30:34 all the way high up like george soros

Trump Warns Prince Harry, Trump EO to Protect Babies, MSM Refuses to Cover Biden-Sex Trafficking

@00:12:59 george soros who controls organizations
@00:13:14 the rothschilds saudi arabia and soros
@00:13:28 and soros sorry my brain is going away
@00:13:45 wikileaks emails that soros george soros
@00:13:55 handler though i'm sure soros and the
@00:14:36 and george soros
@00:14:47 would be soros

Not Your Typical Forest Fires, Prince Andrew with 15 Year Old, Harris Helped Accused Pedophile

@00:17:14 george soros
@00:17:41 is george soros elected left-wing
@00:18:25 soros into this
@00:19:16 about george soros so kudos i i you know
@00:19:27 kudos to him to calling out george soros

Nazis Still Here, Bagel Bites Commercial, Powerful Seattle Prayer Rally, Greeks Stomp

@00:05:08 censorship kill soros history
@00:05:11 soros history yeah his history goes back
@00:05:36 redeployed background of soros

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:09:53 the funding of antifa it's george soros
@00:12:28 uh probably someone like soros or china

Ginsburg Photoshop, 27 Satanic Pedophiles Trapped, Flynn's Ongoing Persecution, Trump Hints at Soros

@00:12:03 george soros yeah president trump seems
@00:12:08 george soros as the one behind biden and
@00:13:33 soros to me anyway very very interesting

Dumitru Duduman: Prophecy from 36 Years Ago Beginning to Unfold in the USA

@00:05:35 i think george soros has brought upon us

Trump Blasts Antifa, Pelosi Threats, Judge Salas Deep State OP, Sabato Jr Launching Movie Studio

@00:04:32 soros funded thugs sent to try to
@00:11:21 soros funded st. louis prosecutor kim

Trump's SDNY Takeover Strikes at Biden Corruption & BLM/Antifa Funding, Fake Noose, Big Tech Exposed

@00:05:31 targets george soros --is ability to
@00:09:16 going after george soros in hungary

Q: All Systems Go, 58% Americans Want Military to Quell Riots, Antifa Arrests Coming

@00:03:28 praises george soros in this in this
@00:03:54 george soros who is fearless and willing
@00:04:02 me in welcoming george soros
@00:04:51 think also saying that this whole soros
@00:09:34 soros funded operations get violent and
@00:10:01 what happens if soros funded operations

deleted Facebook's Child Sex Video Horror, CDC Backpeddles, Celebrities Bail Out Criminals

@00:08:07 billionaire george soros the recently
@00:08:20 left-wing billionaire george soros who
@00:08:45 members have ties to soros the
@00:09:18 dean of legal studies at soros --is
@00:09:49 members to soros i mean maybe this is
@00:10:04 tied in with soros speaking of soros
@00:16:26 soros related organizations from the

Antifa's Terrorist War On Our Nation

@00:07:25 soros anta anta fudd domestic terrorists
@00:10:20 soros organization and i also wonder how

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:08:59 irregular irregularities in the soros

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:12:35 and illegal recordings why did soros
@00:13:29 we see omarosa we see soros these are

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:07:20 next two drops how does soros come
@00:12:05 this link about george soros and worth
@00:12:26 soros invested february 14th into
@00:12:50 soros or someone related to soros i know
@00:12:56 whether soros is in custody or not some
@00:13:21 star wars platform and then soros moved
@00:25:33 platform and then george soros had to

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:01:15 always refers to george soros so thank
@00:01:18 you good to see soros in the kill

Soros Ordered Obama to Investigate Trump, Volunteers in Ohio Combat Sex Trafficking

@00:01:26 of george soros i'm gonna just go
@00:01:44 far-left billionaire george soros asked
@00:02:28 george soros who is a close ally of his
@00:02:45 about it he said that george soros asked
@00:03:18 that obama took orders from george soros
@00:03:39 who george soros made puppet hussein
@00:05:19 obama took orders from george soros and
@00:05:36 george soros being the puppet master
@00:06:18 wanted to show everybody george soros

New Trove of Epstein Files Released, GOP to Investigate Hunter Biden, Huge Victory in South Dakota

@00:09:12 george soros mark zuckerberg should not
@00:09:20 so george soros is basically supposedly
@00:09:45 spying on people so george soros whose
@00:10:00 soros is in custody and i reported on
@00:10:03 that i don't believe george soros wrote
@00:10:08 the white hats do have george soros in
@00:10:23 that george soros is in custody because

Ron Paul Attacks President Trump Over Missile Strike

@00:01:34 ties to george soros and i tried that i
@00:02:00 bunch of soros george soros funded think
@00:02:21 but why would rampal allow george soros
@00:02:52 american empire with soros but there's
@00:03:16 number of those beasties were soros
@00:06:15 soros lackey a george soros wannabe he's

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:35:31 from my navy until soros he was he was

Satanic Pedophilia Downtown Juneau Alaska Image, Kanye West Unplugged, George Soros Custody

@00:03:24 told you that you know george soros was
@00:03:30 george soros giving an interview here
@00:03:32 and george soros is going there guys i
@00:03:39 you actually seen george soros out and
@00:04:15 dangerous person is george soros his son
@00:04:19 obama and things george soros his son
@00:04:41 soros his son cuz that guy is very evil

Navy Intel: POTUS Activates Marines Directive 550/19: The Storm

@00:06:58 questioning the george soros is in
@00:07:05 george soros out and about doing stuff

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:13:29 soros too and yes george soros is in

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:07:55 small for him and my navy intel soros

POTUS Calls on Adam Schiff to Resign, Crowdstrike Terrifies Hillary Clinton, Optics on Soros

@00:06:13 soros hillary clinton and joseph miss
@00:06:23 now remember soros is in custody this
@00:06:38 tweeted out when he said george soros
@00:07:50 on fox news their outing george soros
@00:07:52 now remember george soros is already in
@00:08:02 could you say george soros is in custody
@00:08:23 george soros is in custody and in fact i

Harrison Ford, Calvary Chapel & Illuminati, Melania Trump Rings The Bell, Details on Soros Arrest

@00:11:24 george soros my navy intel has not given
@00:11:32 some digging that soros was in guatemala
@00:12:48 george soros and the details of him
@00:13:14 soros arrested charged with sex crimes
@00:13:38 george soros is in custody and has been
@00:13:50 of updated information on george soros

POTUS at UN, Satanic Hand Symbols of the Elite, All Roads Lead to Rome...

@00:03:47 soros so there's a reason why ron paul

Deep State's Plan Backfires, Gowdy & Purple Revolution, Epstein Xanax Scandal

@00:04:14 and soros launched america's purple

Navy Intel Source: Trey Gowdy Spewing Disinformation, Soros in Custody

@00:01:09 you guys know as well that george soros
@00:01:12 is in custody george soros is in custody

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:06:23 clinton family in chappaqua george soros

Year of the Boomerang: Total Collapse of Mueller's Hoax

@00:10:27 democratic donors soros as the

Q's Pence Countdown, POTUS Airport Gaff, More Epstein News, California Redemption

@00:08:05 peter soros maria shriver david

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:06:25 this whole story about george soros
@00:06:41 about george soros has been arrested

US Navy P-8A TIGER14 POTUS & Tiger Woods

@00:03:47 george soros being arrested it's it no
@00:04:34 george soros being arrested until i see

Satanic Ritual Blood Altars Beneath Federal Reserve

@00:04:57 connections with soros so there's a lot

Pedophile Soros vs Facebook: Civil War

@00:01:02 left this is incredible george soros
@00:01:08 soros tried to buy out facebook and
@00:01:14 pedal or soros went to work shorting the
@00:01:23 soros so soros with the help of the
@00:03:07 rumors out there that soros is dead he's
@00:03:12 misinformation out there soros is not
@00:04:07 cannibalize who knew who'd be soros and
@00:04:29 soros bringing down facebook you would
@00:04:32 be forgiven for thinking soros is

Responding to Critics of Victor's Interview

@00:01:43 antarctica controlled by soros and the
@00:02:19 soros and all those bad guys and trump

Pedophile Protector Craig Sawyer Exposed

@00:05:31 bought and paid for by soros i come to

Pope's Docket # For 2014 Conviction

@00:02:52 soros is a member of the ninth circle