
Trump's Bedminster Weekend, Ukraine, Obamagate & Draining the Swamp

@00:02:46 uranium one the sale of 25 percent of
@00:02:48 u.s uranium stocks placing them

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:20:01 nuclear weapons to iran and the uranium

Flynn Case Unsealed: Beginning of the End for the Deep State

@00:08:35 children uranium one the 16 year plan to

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:05:37 uranium one and the clinton foundation

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:08:54 corruption like uranium 1 etc and

Obama's Blago Subpoena, Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Wuhan Coronavirus, Carman's Trump Song

@00:10:18 our weapons-grade uranium
@00:11:05 money in that uranium weapons-grade
@00:11:28 uranium one scandal is going to be one

MSM Lies About Huber's Investigation, Twitter Gives Platform to Pedophiles

@00:01:08 on hillary clinton nothing on uranium 1
@00:04:22 whole uranium one scandal

Judge Jeanine Nukes Impeachment Plans, Adrenochrome, Bannon & Epstein, Toronto Street Preacher

@00:09:15 case referred to as uranium one this is
@00:09:21 clinton is involved in uranium one was
@00:09:41 uranium the fbi had gathered substantial

Year of the Boomerang: Total Collapse of Mueller's Hoax

@00:01:50 of mueller is guilty of uranium one he

Barr's DOJ Makes 1st Arrest, Nunes Suing Twitter, Flynn's Exoneration

@00:07:52 so that hillary's uranium deal could
@00:08:04 uranium to the russians on a secret

My Personal Conversations with Isaac Kappy

@00:07:36 the government of australia with uranium

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:06:01 been involved with the uranium one deal

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:11:17 scrutiny of uranium one hillary clinton
@00:11:35 uranium one issues then attorney general
@00:13:29 canadian uranium mining company with
@00:14:46 this investigation on uranium one among
@00:15:00 stuff but the ring uranium one was a big

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:03:50 uranium and there's an article that
@00:04:13 uranium deal in favor of russia
@00:04:27 the uranium one agreement then president
@00:04:51 uranium one deal and remember also of

Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

@00:04:04 obama era uranium one deal deal gave
@00:04:10 mining uranium and us despite assurances
@00:04:12 the uranium had left the us department
@00:04:22 called uranium one deal
@00:04:37 uranium one which at the time controlled
@00:04:39 20% of the uranium supply license for
@00:04:55 they all of this stuff about uranium one

Connie Busts Ohio Child Sex Trafficking Wide Open!

@00:29:50 okay go ahead missile casings uranium

Fiona Barnett Exposes Eli Priest

@00:02:55 uranium which he bragged about on his
@00:03:00 about having this enriched uranium and

Sabbath Hike: Discerning the Truth from the False

@00:02:27 he claims he has this uranium stuff and

FBI Raids Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation: The Satanic Pedophiles are Terrified!

@00:01:39 foundation in uranium one according to

Satanic Pedophile Clintons Are In BIG Trouble

@00:03:08 parties linked to the uranium 1 deal

Iran 2 Weeks Away from Atom Bomb

@00:02:49 away weapons-grade uranium here is the
@00:03:01 weeks away from weapons-grade uranium
@00:03:23 uranium to build an atomic weapon within