deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:06:54 some of these cps services and i know

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:16:52 pedophiles to go into than cps i'm not
@00:17:09 cps to completely railroad parents we
@00:17:20 to cps and a major reform to foster care

deleted President Trump Signs Executive Order on Child Welfare System and CPS Abuses. I LOVE THIS PRESIDENT!

@00:00:18 cps or many states have different names
@00:02:30 issue he's going after cps he's righting

deleted 6.18.20 - Peak Hypocrisy, Peak Censorship, Peak Incitement by Fake News - Peak Panic in the Swamp

@00:24:23 many of these cps child protective

deleted 5.23.20 - Q Senator, Trump OverRules Governors, & More

@00:01:48 volpe about this issue because cps you
@00:03:34 cps to look into as well now continuing
@00:03:40 with cps lately and now they're of
@00:04:03 was at least being investigated by cps
@00:06:09 through services like cps you're getting

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:21:24 siccing cps on parents for refusing to
@00:21:32 they're weaponizing cps which we already
@00:21:53 so cps is basically the you know that's
@00:22:00 was selling baby parts while cps is
@00:22:09 level weaponizing cps against parents is

deleted 3.2.20 - Clownshow - Rollercoaster. Dark to Light. End of War, Killary in Court

@00:05:08 the cps organizations which are in some
@00:05:21 you know through the cps courts and then
@00:05:35 issue you can win you can be cps you

deleted Q 2.26.20 - Disney CEO Steps Down, Patton Oswalt the Pedophile, & The Armor of God

@00:03:55 threatened to have cps i think he
@00:03:57 actually did have cps called on a woman

deleted Child Traffickers. We're Coming for You. No Mercy

@00:02:15 be more zeroed in on the cps and the
@00:02:22 medical kidnap to cps workers being
@00:03:04 police the cps social workers they sort
@00:14:30 an example of one really corrupt cps
@00:14:45 paying attention the cps child sex abuse
@00:15:43 caseworker at a cps agency in
@00:16:46 and i know you know they were in cps for

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:14:11 local police a cps off you know offices

deleted Cynthia Abcug v Fake News - Kidnapper Mom or Systemic Child Abuse

@00:00:21 behind cps and some of the child abuse
@00:01:36 possible cps claimed that she has
@00:03:43 that is in a technique that cps uses
@00:10:14 cps or they're involved in a nasty
@00:12:34 corruption and that would include cps
@00:25:57 piece on cps this is starting to bubble
@00:27:06 caught up to speed on cps abuses so it's

deleted 1.9.20 - Iran, Paul Krugman's Child P0rn, QAnon Kidnapper Spin

@00:15:22 is that her child was kidnapped by cps
@00:15:27 about cps you know half of it maybe a
@00:15:35 from cps or the children that escaped
@00:15:38 from and are never tracked down from cps
@00:15:54 saving your child from a rape ii cps
@00:16:39 the cps system of course is not a good

deleted 1.2.20 - RICO Rudy vs the Coup, Pelosi's Corrupt Son = Hunter Biden 2.0, Disarmament by UN?

@00:20:35 cps system to steal the children from a
@00:22:05 situations where between cps and the

deleted Happy New Year (Of the Boomerang) Obama&Biden Under Investigation

@00:09:30 cps situations where they they medically

deleted 12.10.19 - Schiff & Clintons Exposed, Impeachment is Deflection, Fake News Layoffs 2019

@00:03:48 short version is that cps once again
@00:04:55 because you you take him into cps and

deleted FAKE MAGA, Guns, Medical Kidnapping, Chic-Fil-A TRAITORS, & More

@00:00:44 the news today impeachment updates cps

deleted When CPS Steals Your Children - Mike Volpe & Dustin Nemos

@00:01:17 absolutely right that cps has turned
@00:02:07 workers and cps are given all sorts of
@00:03:55 sections which gave money for if cps
@00:04:27 whole purpose of cps is to get your kid
@00:06:13 to her case still in general you see cps
@00:07:43 that cps will ignore the grandparent the
@00:08:05 funding look in my opinion cps is itself
@00:08:10 get rid of cps it does more harm than
@00:08:18 have law enforcement and what cps does i
@00:09:34 police often show up with cps to make
@00:11:30 in general whether cps is involved or
@00:30:03 there's a cps report that he stuck a gun
@00:44:12 wrong and cps they all did wrong and her

deleted Major BombShells - CLlnton Ritualistic ChildRape Victim SPEAKS OUT & MORE

@00:01:10 weaponized the cps to take his
@00:04:25 apparently weaponizing cps to try to
@00:04:35 you know not only weaponize cps and
@00:04:39 weaponization of cps and the destruction
@00:04:41 of families by cps cash for kids
@00:04:54 children from cps or they work at cps or
@00:05:00 go to one of these cps courts it's
@00:09:54 trying the weaponized cps to take their

deleted Rachel Bruno on the Abuses of Family Court and CPS. One Mother's Fight for Her Baby that Won

@00:01:45 twice before calling cps and to really
@00:33:48 that the cps system is if not outright

deleted 10 26 19 Boom Boom Boom Boom Obama, Treason, Clapper, Treason, Brennan, HRC, Comey, Page...

@00:04:22 an arkansas senator on cps kidnappings
@00:05:57 for cps for example you know they have
@00:06:47 everyone in cps is bad or child

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:07:05 cps departments for human trafficking

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:14:56 system and the cps everything else like
@00:17:22 in most of the cps systems in the united
@00:17:36 cps system and through the corrupt
@00:26:18 police and the courts and the local cps

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:22:35 situations where cps or the child

deleted Dems Final Push, Must Stop Trump or Prison

@00:09:46 through things like cps all but you know

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:09:09 and raped by cps we have that scandal
@00:09:12 coming out now from the california cps

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:24:09 cps or they threaten to bring in cps and

deleted Major News Updates - Obama to be Investigated? Smollett Coverup to Bring Down Michelle Obama?

@00:02:06 hospitals and cps have all sort of just

deleted As the Deep State Plot Goes Public, They Try One Last Push to Censor Q

@00:14:54 finally cps is getting involved and i
@00:15:02 cps shouldn't even exist but in this

deleted Obama Knew! How Much and When?

@00:32:57 who performed at gay bars as cps child

deleted 12.4-6.18 - Dustin Nemos In The Swamp Repping Q, Finally Caught up on past 48 hours! UPDATES

@00:04:38 and fake news cps boss and i have no

deleted Real-Talk (Hard Truth) About Abortion. Why I am against (& Why I USED to think it was Mercy Killing)

@00:17:55 plus percent of kids and cps excuse me
@00:18:12 good coming out of cps i don't see any

deleted 6.20.18 - Ignore the Men Behind the Curtain (IG REPORT), The Kids in the Fake Cages are Over Here...

@00:10:09 of children then go through cps child

deleted Deleted video

@00:36:26 will call cps on you that's frightening

deleted Deleted video

@00:39:27 through cps get molested

deleted Deleted video

@00:14:20 itself cps themselves i mean they have a