Mike Rothschild

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:06:02 helps fight the tc so this is from mike
@00:06:06 rothschild of course who really hates me

deleted The Democrat Party Leadership - Violent, Deranged, Criminal, And Dangerous

@00:26:05 mike rothschild or for example will

deleted President Trump Just Retweeted Q - AGAIN (I'm Preparing My "I Told you Q Was Real" Speech Now...)

@00:01:39 mike rothschild and will somme nerve the
@00:03:50 mike rothschild and will sumner their

deleted The Q Movement is UNSTOPPABLE and INTENSIFYING

@00:18:30 and watch my videos you know mike
@00:18:32 rothschild likes to attack me what's his

deleted 11.16.19 - QP0sts - The Harvest Dark to Light 11-18-19 10am ET

@00:05:28 this idiot mike rothschild supposedly no

deleted As Dems Flail Impeachment, Trump Conquers the World

@00:02:48 belongs to patriots now mike rothschild

deleted 8.15.19 Epstein, Clinton Coverups, Supreme Court Threatened by Left

@00:17:07 targeted by mike rothschild of you know

deleted Dustin Nemos Talks with InTheMatrixxx 6-12-19

@00:14:57 it ramped up and then i caught mike
@00:14:58 rothschild pushing it and the mike the

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:07:14 boomers well same thing with rothschild
@00:07:18 alright mike rothschild over here has
@00:07:38 don't know but right now perso bukh mike
@00:07:42 rothschild joe m and others think that
@00:11:02 mike rothschild had already shared this

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:37:38 against others at the same time mike
@00:37:41 rothschild and what he calls the big six

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:25 meet those people oh mike rothschild

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:16 to talk about how people like mike
@00:02:18 rothschild are out there you know if q

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:18 will sumner and like mike rothschild and

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:24 like mike rothschild coming after me and