
deleted The Second American Civil War is Here - Where do YOU stand?

@00:00:31 police department we are not nasa now

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:28:54 they'll be all nasa laying off everybody

deleted 3.2.20 - Clownshow - Rollercoaster. Dark to Light. End of War, Killary in Court

@00:18:35 pollution so nasa satellite images

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:10:24 you know the nasa and the groups that

deleted Alex Mandossian & Dustin Nemos - RedPill Secrets: RedPilling vs Breadcrumbing: A How To (2 of 3)

@00:33:28 what they see from nasa pictures right

deleted 12-22-2019 Mifsud, Spaceforce, Virginia v Guns, Soros, Schiff - We are Winning

@00:09:43 some of those those nasa rumors about

deleted - Introduction to CarbonShield60 C60 (Fullerenes in TOP oils)

@00:17:43 like nasa scientists and stuff behind

deleted BIDEN, IMPEACHMENT, CORRUPTION, EXPOSED! Schiff to be Questioned!

@00:11:44 amazing and hey you've got a new nasa

deleted News Brief 8/19/19: Weiner Laptop Leverage?/ Tangled Network of Elite Pedos

@00:19:31 what nasa is today so jack parsons in l

deleted The Tables Are Finally Turning on the Witch Hunt

@00:03:16 end up causing nasa disease just like

deleted John Barbour, Chris Fulton, Dustin Nemos Authors Roundtable on Assange, Free Speech, Truth. p2

@00:04:16 cooperation through nasa and the

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:15:34 with you so this is a nasa affiliated

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:30:44 and i heard about this from the nasa

deleted C60 When ALL Hope is Lost in Health, Honest Experiences.

@00:03:15 and then the researcher the nasa

deleted 1.5.19 - Russia Witch-Hunt Continues, Shutdown (for YEARS) or Wall, War Moves: China.

@00:23:23 this actually came from a nasa scientist

deleted Chris Burres of SES & Dustin Nemos of Apex C60 Discuss The Market Shortage and History of C60

@00:00:37 market nasa why is there such a shortage
@00:01:39 so well the nasa rumors i can't speak
@00:01:47 haven't been bought out by nasa i'm not
@00:01:49 aware that nasa is particularly
@00:02:05 houston so we've been to nasa and and
@00:02:17 call us nasa scientists i think that
@00:02:24 i'm not sure exactly what a nasa
@00:02:26 scientists what value a nasa scientist
@00:26:56 the nasa thing obviously that's just

deleted Jeff Berwick and Dustin Nemos on Coming Economic Crash & Voluntaryism

@00:09:06 then the furthest that nasa which i
@00:09:15 from germany that's what nasa was they
@00:09:42 possible most of these things that nasa
@00:09:50 of the nasa astronauts came out and said
@00:10:00 all the lies from nasa but but that's

deleted Jordan Sather & Dustin Nemos on Secret Space Program and Suppressed History

@00:37:46 memorandum one to nasa one to the cia
@00:38:49 that smokescreen is nasa nasa's built up

deleted p. 3 - Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Health, Modern Diets, Weaponized Food, Fasting, DIY Solutions

@00:43:32 nasa scientist was was talking about how

deleted 9.19.18 - ℚ Does Q&A, Talks Aliens, Moon Landings, RRs Failure, Trudeau, Rebuts Arguments V Sessions

@00:17:16 did nasa faked the moon landings have we

deleted Dustin Nemos - Hacking the Car for 30%+ 👀Higher Fuel Economy👀 w/ Gadget Man Groove

@00:37:54 on sara's channel she had this nasa

deleted 🌱 Microgreen Introduction🌱 - The Incredible Power of Food (And Much More!)

@00:24:46 the nasa scientists that i found out

deleted LiveChat 8.26.18 - Huge Health Conversation, C60, Autism, Vaccines, Dementia, etc.

@00:26:35 about it from a nasa scientist and this

deleted Beating the System with AceofCoin.Com - John Jay Singleton On Privacy, Security, Crypto & More

@00:35:52 from the nasa scientist who had given it

deleted Did C60/Carbon60 Help Blindness for this Child's Dog? Anecdotal!

@00:01:16 cataracts the nasa scientists that i

deleted C60 Carbon Introduction - Sorting Fact from Hype

@00:11:25 like nasa scientists and stuff behind

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:24:44 rocket of nasa logo on the side 14:14 we
@00:32:57 there 14 looks like one of nasa space

deleted Maga Updates 4.2.18 - Cultural Victories continue, Even Dems now distrust MSM And MORE!

@00:08:42 schmidt director of nasa /g iss climate

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:17:44 mother works for nasa sergey is involved

deleted Deleted video

@00:31:58 i don't trust nasa images i've seen them
@00:32:05 you know trust nasa all but i'm no over
@00:32:09 time at nasa mitchell gordon says fyi

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:25 interview with some nasa scientists guys
@00:38:54 cataracts according to those nasa

deleted Deleted video

@00:13:38 of course the nasa scientists that i

deleted Deleted video

@00:35:16 of c60 with eyes and health from a nasa