deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:20:56 she is a big rbg fan and posted for the
@00:21:04 who could be a big rbg fan i mean really
@00:21:06 no one's an rpg fan until rbg died

deleted 9 16 19 Flynns Offensive, McCabe brings down the HOUSE, & MORE

@00:19:03 of them all right we know rbg has tried

deleted Dustin Nemos Live: Q Posts and Weekly Sunday Livestream

@00:29:04 rbg i think she not only straightened

deleted Is RBG Alive

@00:00:30 is rbg still alive that's a question a
@00:01:31 between for example rbg and the people
@00:07:35 our bg rgb i'm sorry rbg yeah anyway

deleted Deaths, Coverups, RBG Tampering?, Mueller Retells DNC Hack 'Big Lie'

@00:21:11 with rbg is this it we'll see but it's
@00:21:17 breakings scotus big secret rbg new qq

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:02:36 forget that of course rbg had been like

deleted 2.25.19 - Q - Potus Considering Options RE: War on Babies (Millions of Babies Counting on US!)

@00:09:45 2895 752 this is rbg back in hanwha

deleted 1.6.19 - Q - The Future Will NOT Repeat The Past (And Ginsberg, too)

@00:11:42 the doctors currently treating rbg what

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:26:00 rbg replacement lifetime appointment age

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:14:11 rbg and sotomayor against the court

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.15.18 - Syria Update, Comey, Lynch In trouble! Video Soon? (Or is it out now!?)

@00:15:19 rbg i need to fix must go to smee

deleted Deleted video

@00:23:50 dangerous rbg has no updates as far as i
@00:26:20 think the that rbg is on ice bin shui go

deleted Deleted video

@00:15:05 gonna care rbg i haven't seen her have
@00:17:38 i don't i don't know how rbg could

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:01 replace rbg i don't know yet but trump's

deleted Private video

@00:00:06 what's going on with the rbg replacement
@00:04:46 happened with rbg or at least
@00:04:48 what didn't happen with rbg you know
@00:04:52 go back and see my video is rbg alive
@00:05:08 and inserting rbg voice