Qniversity Episode 13 - The Billion New Perspectives

@00:06:44 covid crisis that is going on my god

Qniveristy Episode 12 - The Grand Complex Narrative of The Mask

@00:43:22 china virus known as coronavirus or kova
@00:43:38 coronavirus was unleashed at a point

Qniversity Episode 11 - Both of My Parents Smoked. Now They're Dead.

@00:12:06 positive for coronavirus and you know
@00:18:47 coronavirus any

Qniversity Episode 10 - It's ALL about The Children

@00:16:29 talk about is coronavirus and the

Qniversity EPISODE 9 - We Are Putting an End to the Horrific Trafficking and Murder of Children

@00:16:56 the corona virus is all about the elites
@00:32:09 corona typewriter as was tom hanks and
@00:38:21 numbers of the coronavirus deaths and

Qniversity EPISODE 8 - This Godly War against [them]

@00:00:52 contracting the coronavirus hugh
@00:00:56 mentioned the coronavirus four times on
@00:01:09 what on earth is a corona satellite
@00:01:47 world the pope has the coronavirus
@00:04:21 coronavirus is the talk of the day
@00:12:18 on with the corona virus one anon posted
@00:12:23 that the corona virus might be a cover
@00:13:24 this fellow says that the corona virus
@00:16:02 the internet who created the corona
@00:21:09 getting coronavirus in his famous
@00:27:31 over the coronavirus and i think i won't

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:22:09 the coronavirus interesting term isn't

Qniversity EPISODE 6 - Is It Okay To Lie?

@00:21:46 of stage the corona virus how much of it
@00:22:10 now sick with the coronavirus and i