Deep state

Qniversity Episode 13 - The Billion New Perspectives

@00:05:38 vq followers know why because the deep
@00:05:40 state is panicking
@00:05:44 blown up was that evidence was it deep
@00:22:05 it is an adult um deep state film let's
@00:43:19 her pension for deep state new world

Qniveristy Episode 12 - The Grand Complex Narrative of The Mask

@00:04:12 time the deep state didn't want that in
@00:04:53 the deep state likes to go after number
@00:05:01 the world from the deep state i believe
@00:17:19 deep state i wonder about their messages
@00:19:54 the deep state the cabal the enemy of q
@00:23:53 china is the deep state
@00:29:44 jerry nadler who's a doofus deep state
@00:39:03 everything the deep state is doing right
@00:39:15 christians leave to do that deep state
@00:44:26 if america loses against the deep state
@00:45:46 surgeon general is a deep state tool
@00:45:58 swoon over him he's a deep state tool

Qniversity Episode 11 - Both of My Parents Smoked. Now They're Dead.

@00:01:53 deep state tools you know that president
@00:04:44 freed us i don't think the deep state
@00:11:03 there are you another deep state shell
@00:11:10 know what i mean by a deep state shill i
@00:17:57 smart devices i don't think the deep
@00:18:00 state wanted us to have the world access
@00:36:31 equality that's what the deep state
@00:37:02 that sounds like a deep state
@00:37:10 constitution in a deep state aim at
@00:37:13 equality and the deep state always just

Qniversity Episode 10 - It's ALL about The Children

@00:07:52 the deep state they own all the media so
@00:07:55 i see the deep state telling us will
@00:12:08 this is deep straight deep state
@00:13:52 the deep state and their evil and
@00:17:20 originally a deep state plan but surely
@00:17:36 communications the deep state players
@00:21:27 about cloning and mkultra and deep
@00:21:39 lairs the deep state was always creating
@00:21:55 are quite elaborate and the deep state
@00:32:14 19 to destroy the deep state isn't that
@00:35:10 relying on a dead dying system the deep
@00:35:13 state and they've told us to be afraid
@00:35:31 trump is defeating the deep state once
@00:36:22 enemy do they hide and deep underground
@00:36:27 enemy as the deep state the virus is the
@00:41:54 is done a little boomerang the deep
@00:41:57 state intended for kovat 19 to cause

Qniversity EPISODE 8 - This Godly War against [them]

@00:01:15 nastiness created by the deep state
@00:04:32 the muscle for the deep state that's all
@00:10:39 also may be deep state members throwing
@00:14:39 vampires aren't they the deep state and
@00:16:05 take a stab at it the deep state created
@00:16:22 deep state does will come back and slap
@00:21:50 george carlin may have been deep state
@00:25:54 i see that the deep state has had their
@00:26:17 history since then the deep state the
@00:28:29 to separate the deep state from that
@00:29:02 to this deep state cabal this illuminati
@00:34:33 celebrated by the deep state and have to
@00:34:38 deep state or we're just gonna throw him
@00:36:46 you start to see a deep state theme
@00:39:33 because they're a state institution and
@00:39:35 most state institutions are corrupted by
@00:39:37 the deep state aren't they and i don't
@00:42:15 controlled by the deep state by the

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:05:49 deep state has been very good at
@00:16:39 the deep state and be good little pets
@00:19:29 of the other lies that the deep state
@00:22:19 off of it and the deep state knows how
@00:23:04 is another lie of the deep state isn't
@00:23:29 that drives all of deep state material
@00:23:43 going to overcome deep state lies as i
@00:25:38 storm until the deep state intervened
@00:26:45 plan to take out the deep state and it's
@00:32:17 whole history of the deep state on one
@00:38:57 out to the deep state to brussels and we
@00:41:45 known as the deep state or cabal because
@00:42:04 reagan was one of these deep state
@00:42:41 and genocide all we are told our deep
@00:42:44 state tricks and it's worth noting that
@00:44:09 the deep state was beaten and driven out

Qniversity EPISODE 6 - Is It Okay To Lie?

@00:07:05 because the deep state doesn't like that
@00:07:20 narrative of the deep state has nothing

Qniversity EPISODE 5 - For Students Who Wish to Write about Q

@00:12:54 overcome and what exactly is it the deep
@00:12:57 state just wants everybody fighting cue
@00:13:05 we go all the deep state wants us
@00:31:07 fighting against the deep state ronald

Qniversity EPISODE 4 - The False Narrative of Lies

@00:14:23 quote deep state enemies and a child's
@00:16:52 rapid guessing the deep state the
@00:29:08 collective psyche by the deep state in
@00:30:36 be a deep state tool and in 1859 it was
@00:31:22 think deep in my heart that freud also
@00:31:24 was a deep state tool the bible says
@00:31:31 if the deep state keeps coming to us and
@00:33:05 the deep state really going on the move
@00:36:39 been a deep state tool from day one yeah
@00:37:24 the devil and our enemy the deep state

Qniversity EPISODE 3 - Have We Been Colonized?

@00:00:38 chronologically i don't think the deep
@00:00:42 state wants citizens to be able to think
@00:02:18 beginning hollywood was a deep state
@00:03:50 was deep state operations to make us
@00:18:51 owned by the deep state when i was a boy
@00:28:04 mainstream media the deep state fills us

Qniversity Episode 2 - The Assembly of TRUTH

@00:01:36 it had to be a deep state fabrication
@00:01:47 with a deep state for destroying the
@00:09:31 course the deep state was looking to
@00:13:21 the deep state creates for is that they