
Qniversity Episode 11 - Both of My Parents Smoked. Now They're Dead.

@00:44:30 1960s that makes me think of mkultra as
@00:44:40 called mkultra which began with satanic
@00:45:12 think of mkultra as well and we see her
@00:45:24 much follows what we read from mkultra
@00:46:39 think of the mkultra situation as well
@00:47:53 the mkultra program was monarch

Qniversity Episode 10 - It's ALL about The Children

@00:21:27 about cloning and mkultra and deep

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:14:38 people's attention sra and mkultra are
@00:14:48 when i first found out about mkultra
@00:15:08 came before mkultra the marquis de sade
@00:15:12 know what mkultra was but he certainly

Qniversity EPISODE 5 - For Students Who Wish to Write about Q

@00:28:06 interesting to a research writer mkultra
@00:28:18 suggesting a student looking to mkultra
@00:28:28 mkultra and even google provides the
@00:28:52 mkultra i noticed it i would keep
@00:28:55 reading about sra and mkultra mkultra
@00:29:10 first before psychology and mkultra i

Qniversity EPISODE 4 - The False Narrative of Lies

@00:11:56 mkultra victim

Qniversity EPISODE 3 - Have We Been Colonized?

@00:16:45 mkultra and that it changed us in many

Qniversity Episode 2 - The Assembly of TRUTH

@00:16:15 about mkultra and how and why they were

Welcome to the Qniversity

@00:05:55 mkultra if you don't know of mkultra i'd