
Qniversity Episode 13 - The Billion New Perspectives

@00:05:50 of human trafficking i'm sure we'll know
@00:26:17 human trafficking in 2005 starred myra
@00:26:22 trafficking film late
@00:26:27 trafficking network that covers
@00:43:14 trafficking my daughter

Qniversity Episode 11 - Both of My Parents Smoked. Now They're Dead.

@00:01:06 trafficking and the war against

Qniversity Episode 10 - It's ALL about The Children

@00:14:20 named in child trafficking they do have
@00:16:05 child trafficking that this is where
@00:16:23 trafficking he the the mainstream media
@00:16:36 trafficking and one of these libbed
@00:18:32 moral issues like human trafficking what
@00:42:36 trafficking here's a famous picture of
@00:44:06 convicted of child trafficking next
@00:45:19 trafficking occurring in plain sight
@00:45:43 trafficking there's no other way to
@00:46:05 trafficking images infant imaging in ray
@00:46:29 trafficking and for some reason all the
@00:47:23 advertisements for trafficking we wonder

Qniversity EPISODE 9 - We Are Putting an End to the Horrific Trafficking and Murder of Children

@00:12:27 trafficking and drug trafficking the
@00:12:29 trafficking of evil and those things
@00:28:26 clearly represents child trafficking do
@00:37:34 already of child trafficking i think

Qniversity EPISODE 8 - This Godly War against [them]

@00:04:11 child trafficking forever and we must
@00:05:45 it symbolizes trafficking you told us
@00:08:09 issues like human trafficking and
@00:08:14 would ask him what is human trafficking
@00:08:32 trafficking or

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:12:15 i don't like the word human trafficking
@00:13:30 things human trafficking bothers me as a
@00:13:36 trafficking that's five syllables and a
@00:13:46 writing about human trafficking i would
@00:13:54 of human trafficking would they respond
@00:14:16 pedophile and human trafficking have
@00:14:32 trafficking what it is kidnapping
@00:34:18 human trafficking has put them to sleep
@00:34:21 can we use tile trafficking we've got to
@00:37:36 drug running human trafficking whatever

Qniversity EPISODE 5 - For Students Who Wish to Write about Q

@00:02:32 trafficking those things angered me and
@00:02:36 satanism and child trafficking will
@00:06:28 several indexes one is about trafficking
@00:06:40 trafficking it's q map pub /k ids kids
@00:06:52 trafficking and so these would be very
@00:08:51 trafficking section under human
@00:08:54 trafficking on those 24 pages one is
@00:09:06 articles on trafficking available at
@00:11:04 to me that people were trafficking
@00:19:20 trafficking claire brompton of the
@00:19:35 that nexium is involved in trafficking
@00:31:36 trying to reveal child trafficking and
@00:32:54 have done about child trafficking on
@00:39:06 treason child trafficking etc i think

Qniversity EPISODE 4 - The False Narrative of Lies

@00:03:56 conquering human trafficking but i think
@00:04:05 child for the trafficking movement when
@00:14:26 sex trafficking ring run by satanic
@00:21:31 masses of child trafficking something
@00:21:52 know that reading reports of trafficking
@00:24:41 trafficking network of children i don't
@00:25:16 this huge trafficking situation i've

Qniversity Episode 2 - The Assembly of TRUTH

@00:15:40 bring up the trafficking stuff is
@00:15:52 understand that that child trafficking
@00:16:50 nebraska boys town and the trafficking
@00:18:08 again by ending child trafficking it's a
@00:20:32 end forever to child trafficking