
Qniversity Episode 13 - The Billion New Perspectives

@00:36:02 twitter
@00:36:22 twitter
@00:36:28 twitter and
@00:37:38 somebody asked the other day on twitter

Qniveristy Episode 12 - The Grand Complex Narrative of The Mask

@00:23:29 told me on twitter that uh
@00:36:58 to tom hanks instagram or twitter

Qniversity Episode 11 - Both of My Parents Smoked. Now They're Dead.

@00:07:25 twitter with the biden memes if i can
@00:07:46 twitter were making fun with these memes
@00:16:04 twitter and i think a lot of people are
@00:16:05 quite eloquent on twitter i'm not i like
@00:18:18 instagram and twitter and others now are
@00:19:21 of institutions like twitter and and
@00:19:31 after twitter and jack and said that
@00:19:40 terrible pornography on twitter and if
@00:19:56 twitter praise god for it i've found
@00:20:00 that i love twitter you know i mocked
@00:20:04 twitter and other institutions like that
@00:20:15 twitter that's where all the q people
@00:20:23 but for the most part twitter is the
@00:24:32 twitter got hammered with the innit
@00:27:54 been kicked off of twitter 16 times said
@00:28:21 eat more babies i really enjoy twitter
@00:31:06 television you can't go on twitter and

Qniversity EPISODE 9 - We Are Putting an End to the Horrific Trafficking and Murder of Children

@00:13:05 don't know how many people on twitter
@00:27:15 were posting posting posting on twitter
@00:35:12 their twitter backgrounds in their
@00:35:22 comey had published twitter messages
@00:35:35 and what i saw in the twitter
@00:36:10 of course jack dorsey of twitter has a
@00:36:26 backgrounds appeared on many twitter
@00:38:52 prominently in backgrounds on twitter
@00:40:26 don't know why tom haines his twitter

Qniversity EPISODE 8 - This Godly War against [them]

@00:02:38 twitter the people who own facebook are
@00:02:46 i'm cj truth on twitter was asked by a
@00:06:41 avenues such as twitter and youtube
@00:29:22 seizes control of youtube and twitter

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:32:11 was kind of like twitter you could put
@00:32:48 twitter and elsewhere and you see what

Qniversity EPISODE 6 - Is It Okay To Lie?

@00:43:11 and follow me on twitter at the q'

Qniversity EPISODE 5 - For Students Who Wish to Write about Q

@00:17:18 twitter would be joe m who was a great
@00:32:39 trump's and melania trump's twitter and
@00:42:13 follow me on twitter at the q' niversity

Qniversity EPISODE 4 - The False Narrative of Lies

@00:38:32 follow me on twitter at the q' niversity

Qniversity EPISODE 3 - Have We Been Colonized?

@00:18:36 entirely on my friends and twitter and
@00:29:10 follow me on twitter at the queue

Qniversity Episode 2 - The Assembly of TRUTH

@00:21:37 follow me on twitter at the q' niversity

Welcome to the Qniversity

@00:14:45 and follow me on twitter at the q'