
Qniversity Episode 13 - The Billion New Perspectives

@00:05:46 underground military bases was there

Qniversity Episode 10 - It's ALL about The Children

@00:09:12 underground you recall edgar allan poe's
@00:10:17 underground horrors we see it all
@00:10:29 the underground warfare president trump
@00:10:48 underground tunnels many times
@00:11:27 books talk about underground chambers in
@00:11:42 down into an underground prison where
@00:11:51 there underground also in the story the
@00:11:59 underground well in a man's home and
@00:12:27 little underground tunnel and the pizza
@00:12:34 i know of deep underground military
@00:13:00 live in a deep underground military base
@00:13:03 an underground lair as they called it i
@00:15:28 underground decent human beings don't q
@00:21:29 underground military bases the james
@00:21:36 films are based always had underground
@00:21:42 huge elaborate underground cities and of
@00:21:53 here in arizona the underground layers
@00:22:03 war and go live underground as vampires
@00:25:22 elephant man is usually kept underground
@00:28:57 underground military bases who's going
@00:28:59 to hear one scream deep underground
@00:36:22 enemy do they hide and deep underground

Qniversity Episode 7 - The Power of Words and the Letter Q

@00:29:01 deep underground military bases and

Qniversity Episode 2 - The Assembly of TRUTH

@00:18:27 underground military bases all over the