Praying Medic News - October 2, 2020

@00:03:23 ironic that he comes down with covid and

Praying Medic News - September 30, 2020

@00:13:13 on a 2.2 trillion dollar coronavirus
@00:13:25 they're going to agree on any corona a
@00:13:27 or another coronavirus stimulus relief

deleted Qanon September 18, 2020 - Be Water, Spread Fire

@00:16:52 this is a coronavirus expert explaining

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - Prepare for Zero Day Attacks

@00:05:24 coronavirus to inflate the numbers but
@00:10:22 five the 2019 novel coronavirus

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:05:29 corona virus was hyped by the media as
@00:13:48 the corona virus pandemic they were

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:29:12 the state's coronavirus related deaths

deleted Qanon June 10, 2020 - White House Breach Prevented

@00:08:16 is a second wave of the coronavirus he

deleted Qanon May 28, 2020 - We Rise or We Die

@00:04:24 corona virus that is spread
@00:05:34 vote-by-mail in the wake of the corona
@00:06:42 related to the corona virus and why did

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:19:31 focusing on coronavirus related issues

deleted Qanon May 16, 2020 - Time To Stand

@00:08:53 months all of a sudden when coronavirus
@00:09:30 coronavirus narrative creates a lot of
@00:13:32 there was no problem with coronavirus
@00:15:19 solely coronavirus deaths six out of

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:38:09 strains of the corona virus and some of
@00:38:28 corona virus was established long ago

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:15:13 during the corona virus pandemic trust
@00:15:37 is dropping even lower during the corona
@00:17:42 happened yesterday at the coronavirus
@00:17:56 addressing the corona virus and he just
@00:20:13 survivors of the corona virus he
@00:27:48 corona virus this is two years ago now
@00:27:55 out suggesting that this corona virus
@00:28:19 the corona virus pandemic are all a
@00:28:55 due to the corona virus we were all told
@00:29:18 to the corona virus and foia requests

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:01:12 events surrounding the corona virus
@00:01:33 corona virus identified in wuhan all
@00:01:50 the u.s. carrying the corona virus okay
@00:02:52 first coronavirus case shows up in the

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:06:13 stages of dealing with the corona virus
@00:06:21 coronavirus updates and i watch them
@00:06:34 when i was dealing with the corona virus
@00:06:45 coronavirus was a growing problem in
@00:07:04 late 2019 coronavirus jumps from some
@00:09:06 as far as the coronavirus i don't think
@00:09:10 highly aware of the coronavirus and i
@00:09:57 transmission of the novel coronavirus
@00:10:21 corona virus but both the chinese
@00:11:56 coronavirus they could transmit the
@00:14:28 coronavirus relief queue rights hold
@00:16:27 coronavirus regardless of the presence
@00:16:44 the corona virus whether they tested
@00:16:48 with somebody who had the corona virus
@00:16:55 of death as a corona virus there is a
@00:17:14 tested positive a corona virus the cause
@00:17:16 of death is supposed to be corona virus
@00:17:22 corona virus regardless of what the
@00:20:50 coronavirus relief bill was a tremendous
@00:25:54 was about how bad the corona virus is

deleted Qanon March 26, 2020 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion

@00:11:27 the midst of the corona virus pandemic
@00:18:19 corona virus pandemic now i suspect

Do Not Fear (Live)

@00:04:23 developed over the corona virus pandemic
@00:16:17 livestream coronavirus updates you

Do Not Fear - Part 2

@00:03:39 they're happening now this coronavirus

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:00:54 the coronavirus we don't want anyone
@00:01:43 about the coronavirus i guess probably
@00:03:34 impacted by the coronavirus i have had a
@00:18:38 here is relevant for the coronavirus
@00:18:41 right coronavirus is some weak little
@00:19:08 rates of transmission of coronavirus
@00:19:23 that's why corona
@00:30:30 coronavirus
@00:32:07 coronavirus because it's not part of the
@00:32:21 isn't talking about the coronavirus why
@00:32:41 coronavirus nothing that tells me that
@00:32:55 coronavirus and kill off a bunch of
@00:33:12 on the corona virus so i don't think
@00:33:34 weaponize fear over the corona virus to
@00:33:52 whole lot about the corona virus because
@00:34:03 about the corona virus its optics to
@00:34:25 so my focus on the corona virus has been
@00:35:22 imagine early to mid-may coronavirus
@00:50:38 coronavirus what's that a rabbi right
@00:50:51 the coronavirus itself it'll go the way

Supernatural Saturday February 8, 2020 - Faith and Hearing God's voice

@00:50:06 about the coronavirus it it's not a
@00:50:21 hysterical thing about the corona virus
@00:50:27 the corona virus it god has not put that
@00:50:41 radar and he is not put the coronavirus

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:33:13 golden corona offline games are fun this
@00:33:20 were taken off the corona satellites for

deleted Private video

@00:02:08 for queue to weigh in on the corona
@00:02:47 respiratory syndrome coronavirus as an
@00:06:07 other things that the corona virus may
@00:06:50 over trump probably does the coronavirus
@00:07:23 the corona virus bill this is nancy
@00:08:46 coronavirus
@00:10:10 corona virus back in books from the 70s
@00:10:12 80s and 90s while corona virus is not a
@00:10:19 corona virus this year is as new but
@00:10:23 corona viruses themselves been around
@00:10:54 coronavirus in horseshoe bats
@00:11:10 have more outbreaks of these coronavirus
@00:12:00 journal the corona virus outbreak the
@00:14:23 corona virus that have been reported
@00:15:12 so q mentioned how the coronavirus ended
@00:15:34 pretext of corona virus outbreak to push
@00:17:39 hidden in speaker pelosi's coronavirus

deleted Private video

@00:13:32 coronavirus emergency well

deleted Private video

@00:02:46 about snow white and corona and we've
@00:03:29 posting and these are posts about corona
@00:03:32 corona 1 now offline corona for offline
@00:03:35 corona 8 reroute t 83 corona 8 new
@00:03:40 control corona 8 now offline corona 16
@00:03:43 task route and corona 16 now offline you
@00:03:50 top there on the right above corona 1
@00:05:03 corona program was one of the early spy

deleted Private video

@00:18:48 golden corona offline diac for zeroes in
@00:19:16 what is that all about well corona site

deleted Private video

@00:14:32 the corona virus pandemic so the anon
@00:18:46 about now is a corona virus how do you

deleted Private video

@00:06:29 coronavirus is that what q is getting it
@00:15:36 coronavirus first two links are two
@00:16:26 used this aris co v 2 is a corona virus
@00:17:07 corona viruses there they're doing
@00:17:11 narrative on corona virus if i put up a
@00:17:19 19 or corona virus in the er and the
@00:17:27 misinformation about corona virus on the
@00:17:31 warning if i mentioned corona virus

deleted Private video

@00:05:07 coronavirus patient who says that it had
@00:08:29 started to die from the coronavirus he
@00:09:41 equates coronavirus hospitalizations to
@00:12:12 for coronavirus are just dramatically
@00:32:10 bring up the coronavirus subject matter

deleted Private video

@00:31:57 you might spread coronavirus and also

deleted Private video

@00:27:51 to the corona virus inside nursing homes
@00:38:45 on the coronavirus crisis as well as

deleted Private video

@00:16:26 covid to draw attention
@00:16:41 the political advantages of the covid
@00:16:44 so covet 19 calculated democrat