
deleted Qanon September 18, 2020 - Be Water, Spread Fire

@00:25:09 jeffrey epstein
@00:25:50 against jeffrey epstein and his

deleted Qanon September 12, 2020 - Now Think Fires

@00:19:30 jeffrey epstein and harvey weinstein

deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:20:51 epstein ran an underage

deleted Qanon August 21, 2020 - Why is Everything Q Being Censored?

@00:12:04 actually the evening the 19th epstein
@00:14:58 jeffrey epstein remain active
@00:15:46 possible co-conspirators of epstein
@00:16:04 jeffrey epstein and glenn maxwell

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:15:03 gillian maxwell and jeffrey epstein

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - Prepare for Zero Day Attacks

@00:15:37 somewhat descriptive of what epstein
@00:15:40 jeffrey epstein has been doing so q
@00:18:39 jeffrey epstein and gilly maxwell
@00:18:44 maxwell as geppetto and jeffrey epstein
@00:18:59 blackmail operation and that epstein was
@00:19:14 where he wrote possible that epstein was

deleted Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

@00:02:49 jeffrey epstein one of those photos was
@00:03:23 initially she was raped by epstein
@00:04:43 island where epstein first raped her in
@00:04:49 photos related to jeffrey epstein
@00:05:14 going to epstein island but chelsea
@00:05:22 epstein a lot of different names meryl
@00:05:30 people are somehow connected to epstein
@00:05:56 about ray chandler and epstein in march
@00:06:15 jeffrey epstein kill road rage chandler
@00:06:47 posted this epstein island dungeon
@00:07:16 the possible epstein island security cam
@00:08:51 epstein related documents sealed in a
@00:10:44 handler one of many connected to epstein
@00:11:08 july of 2019 this is right after epstein
@00:11:16 ray chandler epstein plain pic did the
@00:12:21 epstein and the moloch temple

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:03:32 clinton foundation epstein evidence

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:45:52 of jeffrey epstein
@00:45:57 when epstein died
@00:46:09 to jeffrey epstein and his accomplices
@00:46:18 accomplices and epstein is connected to

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:36:36 think we highlighted epstein for no
@00:36:46 discussions about epstein i think those
@00:36:51 epstein discussions i think started in

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:15:37 the name of epstein no relation to
@00:15:39 jeffrey epstein who has spoken

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:14:36 regarding state-backed epstein thought
@00:15:08 coincidence logical thinking so epstein
@00:15:23 former mossad agent that he says epstein

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:12:06 and jeffrey epstein didn't kill himself

deleted Qanon August 10, 2019 - Jeffrey Epstein Update

@00:00:18 about jeffrey epstein this morning and
@00:33:20 so jeffrey epstein was reported to be
@00:33:56 death of epstein he has also asked the
@00:34:14 is the they're prosecuting the epstein
@00:34:31 is does what does it mean that epstein
@00:34:50 jeffrey epstein you
@00:35:25 epstein well for the same reason he
@00:36:27 thing not epstein i mean it would be
@00:36:38 july 9th regarding bc rc epstein plain
@00:36:48 epstein plain pick q had previously
@00:37:42 chandler and epstein and the temple and
@00:37:55 concerned that because epstein is out of
@00:38:30 the epstein files was it yesterday or
@00:39:19 mitad into this case now that epstein

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:38:07 kind of helped jeffrey epstein get off

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:05:58 epstein he had did a little thread there
@00:07:21 involved with epstein
@00:07:36 broken with the arrest of epstein likely
@00:14:16 and epstein he buried the epstein case

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:14:40 this expert robert epstein has been
@00:16:07 epstein case goes forward you're going
@00:19:11 a temple on epstein island also note
@00:19:49 worked for jeffrey epstein epstein
@00:20:31 gym when epstein worked out when he was
@00:23:00 yesterday epstein is going to be
@00:23:23 epstein unfolds here is a quote from the
@00:23:26 article jeffrey epstein as sexual
@00:25:17 be involved in this whole epstein thing
@00:27:30 together and in a sense epstein and his
@00:27:34 activities on epstein island are i think
@00:29:05 satan what is a cult epstein island what

deleted Qanon July 17, 2019 - Think For Yourself

@00:04:50 of jeffrey epstein is reporting one
@00:05:14 brief stating that epstein has not yet

deleted Qanon July 15, 2019 - The Hunters Become the Hunted

@00:03:04 said she met jeffrey epstein and
@00:03:16 epstein allegedly stripped off his
@00:03:29 negative experiences with epstein a q'
@00:05:59 she met jeffrey epstein maxwell's
@00:06:05 epstein and prince andrew there are a
@00:08:15 gloria vanderbilt think epstein think
@00:09:59 they proposed it epstein would fully
@00:10:21 whereas epstein being held reconcile do
@00:10:44 epstein is safer in jail there are many
@00:10:58 and epstein is being held in the
@00:17:25 this news coming out related to epstein

deleted Qanon July 13, 2019 - Learn Our Comms [Wheels Up]

@00:25:46 was introduced to jeffrey epstein by
@00:28:02 jeffrey epstein all right that company
@00:36:42 we're in right now where epstein has
@00:38:03 noted that jeffrey epstein was also
@00:38:05 charged out of new york city was epstein
@00:46:27 but we need to get this jeffrey epstein
@00:49:57 so the epstein flight logs class 1
@00:51:01 looking at the flight logs from epstein

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:02:37 of jeffrey epstein last saturday and a
@00:07:46 all right the arrest of jeffrey epstein
@00:08:02 epstein his island is alleged to have
@00:13:44 godwin's q so the arrest of epstein and
@00:14:39 two count indictment against epstein is
@00:14:52 and that they just wanted to get epstein
@00:17:04 jeffrey epstein including a photo of the
@00:19:18 connected to jeffrey epstein
@00:19:58 2nd and epstein was arrested on july 6th
@00:20:18 bear the tunnels underneath epstein
@00:21:38 epstein case and we believe and q did
@00:22:02 epstein case are going to be made public
@00:24:21 epstein arrest six hours ago on pbs
@00:24:28 about the epstein arrest what i will say
@00:28:06 epstein was part of the original group
@00:28:23 to the court that epstein was part of
@00:28:35 epstein so those of you who are waiting
@00:29:17 facts about trump and epstein a lot of
@00:29:21 connect donald trump to jeffrey epstein
@00:29:27 to connect trump to epstein but you will
@00:29:41 epstein had assaulted a 14 year old
@00:29:45 trump kicked epstein out of it out of
@00:30:57 jeff sessions began the epstein
@00:35:10 jeffrey epstein in getting started as a
@00:35:11 hedge fund manager epstein as a hedge
@00:35:29 them republic and epstein is most of his
@00:35:39 find is that epstein was it's assumed
@00:35:53 to epstein by westar a lot of articles
@00:35:58 on wexner and epstein talking about
@00:36:12 say that wexner made epstein who he is
@00:36:16 epstein of course gets pretty angry when
@00:36:24 distance between himself and epstein in
@00:37:04 on the epstein flight logs i haven't
@00:46:33 new york they have offered epstein to
@00:46:53 be too late for epstein to make a deal
@00:47:08 epstein plain the picture did the fbi
@00:47:40 epstein island i think i suspect that
@00:48:19 information from epstein and then they
@00:48:24 got all the testimony we need epstein
@00:49:48 women why was ray chandler and epstein
@00:50:57 has previously joked about epstein joked
@00:51:09 joke and no reference regarding epstein

deleted Jeffrey Epstein Arrest Update July 8, 2019

@00:00:55 this epstein thing that i think confirms
@00:01:09 epstein indictment all right so i'm
@00:03:04 to be jeffrey epstein the handler for
@00:06:00 so epstein gets picked up after he
@00:06:31 so epstein was was given a deal in the
@00:07:44 says the indictment of jeffrey epstein
@00:08:11 brought against epstein was to get him
@00:08:48 epstein and arrest him because because
@00:10:27 get indictment against epstein we'll
@00:11:17 indictment against epstein is a
@00:13:48 epstein this guy says is likely to be
@00:14:38 the epstein got in florida then the
@00:15:40 agreement that epstein had with the us
@00:16:30 with epstein is really almost secondary
@00:16:34 epstein was used
@00:16:36 now epstein was a participant but
@00:16:38 epstein was also used very likely
@00:17:51 people involved in what epstein has been
@00:18:28 full-court press on epstein and whoever

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:07:06 jeffrey epstein epstein island and the
@00:09:23 she was a girlfriend of jeffrey epstein
@00:11:15 many connected to epstein flight logs
@00:11:58 one of many connected to epstein one of
@00:12:02 apparently epstein has numerous handlers
@00:15:35 the case about jeffrey epstein and all
@00:16:04 q responded to that one epstein island
@00:19:25 epstein island this is found on ray

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:16:49 made a plea deal with jeffrey epstein

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:05:16 closed epstein island access has been

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:31:49 epstein and attended by several of the

deleted Qanon April 4, 2018 - Dark to Light

@00:03:53 answered it why is epstein spending 29
@00:03:59 underneath his temple on epstein island
@00:04:42 evidently epstein is spending a lot of
@00:05:03 epstein island and it's an older map it

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:39:13 slaves anon replies epstein confirmation

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:34:11 epstein thailand but she's the 33 kids

deleted Private video

@00:15:37 epstein but the accusations have never

deleted Private video

@00:23:01 was on epstein island and i was in one

deleted Private video

@00:19:37 concerning activities related to epstein

deleted Private video

@00:05:14 from q is epstein and brackets wexler
@00:05:28 of what epstein has done over the years
@00:05:34 epstein managed

deleted Private video

@00:40:45 how did during the whole epstein thing