Bill Gates

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/21/20

@00:06:07 this is what indictments and spy gates
@00:06:19 the bill barr is declaring new york

Michigan Democrat Apologizes to Trump (Over The Horizon With Jim Cutler)

@00:09:55 and a lot of stuff about bill gates and

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:25:47 organization that's a bill gates spread

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus, Conspiracy, and Diverging Timelines

@00:18:53 or bill gates you know are our
@00:19:07 about bill gates you know like he as far
@00:25:53 not saying that bill gates is you know
@00:28:15 i don't know the mind of bill gates
@00:35:15 interview with bill gates you know

Proof The Deep State Is A Cult

@00:06:31 is technology so you have bill gates and
@00:06:56 in public health with bill gates we've

Is the movie "Pet Goat" A Deep State Roadmap?

@00:34:56 bill gates george soros you know

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:15:07 health organization and bill gates
@00:35:43 this is a thread about how bill gates

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:08:26 look at bill gates how do you keep

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:18:25 don't think he's going to take the bill
@00:18:27 gates back

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:23:15 when it was 20 years ago that bill gates
@00:32:32 to the space programs does bill gates
@00:43:39 bill gates 1995 master of the universe
@00:43:41 1996 bill gates rules the information
@00:43:47 yeah they have been glorifying bill
@00:43:53 gates and all of these deep state
@00:44:41 bill gates said in the news last week he

Proof of Covert Operation for Coup: Qanon Drop

@00:09:25 clinton and bill gates they're acting

Qanon, the plan, and the prestige.

@00:05:27 street so i can imagine people like bill
@00:05:31 gates being held accountable for
@00:05:41 if bill got bill gates is indicted and
@00:06:03 it's a pope level it's a bill gates

Suppressed CoronaVirus health information! Interview with Dr. Eric Nepute #CoronaVirus #COVID19

@00:15:21 then he has financial ties with bill
@00:15:23 gates and one point so he one hundred

Qanon Winning Against The Blackhat Playbook 4/19/20

@00:12:02 shareholder being bill gates who's

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:08:10 las vegas i rest bill depopulation gates
@00:16:21 against bill gates and the corona virus
@00:17:24 propaganda so as we all know bill gates
@00:33:16 with bill gates about a disease that

Sean Morgan's Qanon Interview on SpirituallyRAW UNCENSORED 4/13/20

@00:29:27 of the united states bill clinton and
@00:29:29 hillary clinton and bill gates and all

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:06:39 bill gates and the vaccine narrative
@00:30:20 health organization and bill gates and

Qanon Community Tweets 4/10/20

@00:07:06 all this stuff bill gates is out there
@00:12:40 meds bill gates

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:11:26 so bill gates met with jeffrey epstein
@00:11:36 bill gates flew with jeffrey epstein on
@00:11:48 big child porn arrested bill gates home
@00:15:41 more you find the same name bill gates
@00:16:54 bill gates says that it's a dead end it
@00:17:16 dangers of vaccines bill gates in the
@00:17:49 the world health organization and bill
@00:17:50 gates show their hand and dig a deeper

COVert ID 2019 The Year Of The Boomerang. Qanon Theory.

@00:01:37 positive id who is bill gates
@00:01:56 article from bill gates about a global