
Qanon Community Decodes For Us 10/2/20

@00:01:17 joseph flynn i believe he's the brother
@00:01:21 of general flynn he's talking to flynn's

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/9/20

@00:04:49 general flynn and lynnwood

Public Awakening Is Their Greatest Fear: Craig Mason Interview

@00:11:31 and flynn as a traitor is a debunked

The Deep State's Dark Religion with Joshua Reid of The Red Pill Project

@00:14:52 michael flynn is supposed to be wrapped

The Democrat's Playbook: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:29:56 and same thing with the michael flynn
@00:30:17 and people have stated that flynn has
@00:30:27 flynn could bring um as well uh so

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:05:13 a three-star general michael flynn
@00:06:26 michael flynn
@00:07:33 that the uh that general uh flynn had 20
@00:08:19 flynn says the longer they draw this out
@00:09:01 for michael flynn has been really
@00:09:13 evidence that michael flynn has been
@00:09:17 michael flynn defense fund that has been

Order Out of Election Chaos: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:17:08 part of unmasking flynn

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown July 31 2020

@00:00:52 events flynn first strike designed to

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:19:31 and and flynn took the oath and

The Deep State Is Shooting Blanks! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:22:18 cue it's general flynn wrote an article
@00:22:40 it's really true if flynn was silent for

FLYNN IS FREE!!!!! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:00:58 we started the interview the flynn case
@00:01:10 flynn this is like this is like a
@00:01:16 about flynn for so long now and and the
@00:01:32 looking at flynn and everybody's talking
@00:01:35 about flynn this is everything that the
@00:02:19 against flynn looked bad
@00:02:41 mean no one wanted flynn to be under a
@00:02:49 free plan why don't they just free flynn
@00:03:53 they were not in a rush to pardon flynn
@00:04:00 so now flynn is free to talk to fully
@00:23:31 related to flynn or do you do you think
@00:35:34 we gotta talk about flynn and i'm just
@00:35:42 about flynn and how this affects

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 2

@00:14:36 to general flynn the surveillance of
@00:14:38 flynn as soon as the emmett sullivan
@00:14:47 opens the door for flynn to start
@00:14:59 spied on flynn who leaked the transcript

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:15:02 general flynn said he said look they

Trump Is Exercising The DemonCrats! (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:36:32 right yeah so we've got flynn being

Dustin Nemos On Modern Day Book Burning #Qanon

@00:10:07 and so this relates to flynn the
@00:10:09 unmasking of flynn
@00:10:20 and flynn has been uh released
@00:10:34 well this whole flynn grinnell documents

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/24/20

@00:03:00 information related to russia to flynn

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:23:40 been coming for general flynn so
@00:23:46 flynn knows he was really born in

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/13/20

@00:04:27 who unmask flynn is just the start of
@00:04:44 requested that flynn be unmasked and
@00:07:01 identity of flynn in this private phone
@00:12:44 gonna dig into this whole flynn thing
@00:12:46 and this flynn thing is going to
@00:14:33 flynn and that is one of the reasons why
@00:14:36 michael flynn was so dangerous because
@00:16:59 you know flynn wouldn't have been
@00:23:16 flynn sydney powell
@00:23:57 admins who unmask flynn potus q+
@00:29:00 ridiculous crap with flynn right now
@00:29:03 flynn is basically a political prisoner
@00:29:44 going to be damaging to flynn or
@00:35:32 the flynn case like a dog
@00:36:02 subject flynn topic rule of law at risk
@00:47:32 flynn had a conversation with the
@00:47:54 flynn and it'll be interesting to see
@00:50:20 they were just trying to set up flynn
@00:50:42 heretofore believed it was flynn
@00:51:44 flynn interesting the date is the same
@00:51:48 and december 20 n 29th flynn calls
@00:51:56 immediately after that call flynn calls
@00:52:05 call with mr. kis leg mr. flynn calls

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/8/20

@00:18:56 people thought process behind the flynn
@00:35:32 the flynn exoneration with all these

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:14:44 see what happens with general flynn and
@00:19:02 flynn and i made a little joke here it
@00:19:20 flynn this is a breaking video from

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:06:18 from fisa russia flynn etc from reaching
@00:29:18 the uh the flynn situation and not just
@00:29:32 flynn was being handled

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:01:32 from q and it says flynn targeted why
@00:01:54 this post where they talk about flynn
@00:01:58 why was flynn targeted i mean roger
@00:02:22 flynn let's take a look at the link so
@00:02:31 looks to me like michael flynn will be
@00:03:38 that said try to frame flynn you know
@00:04:47 flynn was to demonize him was to act
@00:05:05 flynn and try to set him up but guess
@00:06:24 flynn set up is huge and yet it's a
@00:11:56 when will flynn get exonerated or
@00:17:22 flynn is going to be exonerated and some
@00:21:58 that's what deltas are you believe flynn
@00:22:06 is the start yes i do believe flynn is
@00:22:11 they were doing fisa spying on flynn and
@00:22:17 really do believe that flynn is the
@00:26:31 yes i believe flynn is the start what's
@00:33:14 so after flynn then fbi and then
@01:07:10 tik-tok is saying flynn and stone is

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:12:18 evidence can now be used to free flynn
@00:12:20 so the flynn is in the news this is big
@00:12:30 president to pardon flynn which would
@00:12:53 her source that says this week flynn
@00:12:59 evidence to free flynn currently being
@00:13:08 fisa six courts fbi agents flynn
@00:14:32 flynn spying on ted cruz spying on
@00:15:35 for flynn sidney powell she talked about

Proof of Covert Operation for Coup: Qanon Drop

@00:01:39 flynn to which they plan to put michael
@00:01:42 flynn back in the news by drawing up a
@00:02:30 times article on michael flynn and
@00:03:06 for you know michael flynn and so you
@00:03:26 to how their work on mf michael flynn
@00:03:41 michael flynn in february 2017 detailing

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:45:56 general flynn hey could be there is a
@00:46:41 flynn is one of the main ones he's the
@00:46:47 yeah you know flynn has been out of the

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:06:21 general flynn has been changing his