
Trump the Maestro and his COVID Operation: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:29:25 in in the line of indictments and then

Qanon Community Decodes For Us 10/2/20

@00:01:28 for durham to announce indictments for

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/21/20

@00:06:07 this is what indictments and spy gates
@00:06:54 would be um indictments and spy gates

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/17/20

@00:01:58 indictments have been building for some

The Calm Before The Storm: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:22:44 indictments being unsealed and scandals
@00:32:28 you know the indictments for obamacare
@00:41:35 of uh sealed indictments being unsealed

Public Awakening Is Their Greatest Fear: Craig Mason Interview

@00:03:29 the indictments started for spy gate
@00:03:39 indictments tracking which is

Qanon Going Mainstream: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:38:11 be filled in with indictments tracking
@00:38:57 civilian you know civilian indictments
@00:39:08 indictments for spy gate
@00:39:11 mention the military uh indictments so

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 8/20/20

@00:00:24 placeholder indictments tracking
@00:03:35 indictments

The Democrat's Playbook: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:21:28 legitimate indictments that would be
@00:22:01 sealed indictments that
@00:23:38 indictments and special ops being

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:10:44 indictments
@00:11:00 indictments
@00:11:02 seal indictments so
@00:18:49 indictments

We Got You Creepy Joe! The Deep State Down Fall.

@00:16:38 uh over 180 000 sealed indictments

Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:00:32 people are talking about the indictments

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:17:42 shoe to drop and and more indictments
@00:31:26 maybe indictments and military tribunals

Its Happening! Qanon Posts July 2nd 2020. Ghislain Maxwell Arrested!

@00:05:45 indictments and it's gonna be relate to

FLYNN IS FREE!!!!! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:23:51 indictments to be unsealed and things

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 2

@00:12:54 we're going to start having indictments
@00:13:04 cia they're all going the indictments
@00:13:18 indictments post
@00:13:24 the elections i think the indictments
@00:13:28 some indictments before the election q
@00:13:35 don't know if that's indictments i'm not
@00:14:31 indictments relatively soon i suspect
@00:14:56 indictments in people who illegally

Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

@00:15:08 unsealing of indictments that would take
@00:16:10 indictments fairly soon and the next
@00:16:32 indictments start getting unsealed and
@00:22:54 rounding up well there's indictments is

Get Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/3/20

@00:00:52 indictments have been building for some

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:22:41 public public you know indictments all
@00:22:45 the indictments being unsealed all of
@00:26:33 indictments on foul see look i'm sorry

Q Post Analysis with Jim Cutler LiveStream 5/20/20

@00:33:08 that there have already been indictments
@00:45:15 indictments for brennan and others and
@00:45:40 indictments across the us and you could
@00:45:44 of those indictments were being you know
@00:45:55 of those indictments were fir brennan
@00:46:03 but they were sealed indictments so of

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/13/20

@00:22:16 indictments on them have been picked up

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:30:05 actionable indictments

Qanon Winning Against The Blackhat Playbook 4/19/20

@00:32:00 indictments and he said you know going

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:09:18 indictments that have come down well one
@00:09:28 tracking indictments
@00:09:49 sealed indictments so yeah you can just
@00:10:14 indictments good question
@00:38:55 there are indictments for the head of

Qanon AMA Livestream With Decoder Q Patriot 4/15/20

@00:22:54 barrage a post but fisa indictments yes
@00:23:06 indictments for example and so he's

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:26:49 when they release the indictments when
@00:27:15 unsealed indictments like the head of
@00:29:31 indictments so i understand that lin

New Qanon Posts!!!! 4/10/20

@00:02:05 indictments equal the start so then he
@00:06:16 indictments equal start start of what

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus and Me on Qanon

@00:05:17 indictments being unsealed such as the

Why are memes important? Must Watch

@00:01:18 her 160,000 sealed indictments you know