
Let The October Surprises Begin: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:02:38 osama bin laden in iran
@00:03:14 osama bin laden we sheltered him in iran
@00:07:21 side of this where iran basically said

Exposing the Communist Revolution. Social Media Blackout Coming.

@00:04:39 to prevent a war with iran because it

Qanon Livestream 8/12/20

@00:48:33 funded by iran and iran is a black site

Beirut Mystery Blast Update

@00:06:08 iran and hezbollah are defeated so

We Got You Creepy Joe! The Deep State Down Fall.

@00:19:19 lebanon is surrounded by israel and iran
@00:19:31 and they are funded by iran and so iran
@00:19:35 uh wants to iran is like a deep state
@00:20:25 this group of allies that's against iran
@00:20:40 war because if iran

Trump's Enemies Brace For The Hammer

@00:03:07 went on to get the iran deal done as

Unraveling The Mystery Explosion In Beirut

@00:00:24 and they were missiles from iran first
@00:02:12 guess what iran announces plan to
@00:02:16 used in missile warheads iran intends to
@00:03:15 iran thinks it can hide weapons depots
@00:05:08 iran and who are the enemies of iran
@00:08:22 syria and iran two down one to go again

deleted Front Line Doctors Speak Out ON COVID Cures and Misinformation

@00:16:15 in iran because the leaders in iran the
@00:16:17 muellers in iran
@00:29:45 almost all of latin america in iran in

Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

@00:06:32 war between iran and israel then there

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus, Conspiracy, and Diverging Timelines

@00:08:08 iran-contra and its relation to running

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:07:10 so this guy iran also it's got almost no
@00:13:42 korea and iran to the highest bidder

The Deep State Is LIABLE!!!! #Qanon

@00:17:33 the house of saud and russia and iran
@00:17:40 you could send a bunch of troops to iran

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:09:51 you can't get people in iran to just do

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:35:32 is has connections to iran she's half
@00:43:03 emigrated from iran and her 20s to forge
@00:43:07 iran is smart and strategic and all over
@00:43:10 the world iran isn't an irrational actor
@00:43:35 iran connection as well so muslim
@00:43:41 connection lisa page iran connection
@00:44:09 an agent in iran he grew up in iran
@00:44:24 to go back to iran said struck we spent
@00:44:53 have iran connections then we have
@00:45:12 born iran she was born in iran very
@00:54:14 hidden iran deal giveaways
@00:54:33 for the greater good of the iran nuclear
@00:54:35 deal iran had a significantly higher

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:16:54 look at what they're doing with iran and

Deep State Hail Mary? The Nuclear Option? #Qanon

@00:10:32 china russia and iran and other
@00:12:43 hats are in place in iran and china and

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:43:04 speculative but if you look at iran they

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:27:39 north korea iran venezuela they

What do the executive orders say about the Qanon narrative?

@00:01:17 important ones sanctions to iran the

What? The Internet Might Go Down? Qanon

@00:02:00 make it not as dangerous and china iran