Mass arrests

The Deep State Is Shooting Blanks! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:12:46 awakening is it's not that's just mass
@00:12:48 arrests on primetime tv although that

The Best Is Yet To Come! Who is Act Blue? Trump, Hollywood Pedo & Q Operation

@00:10:50 high arrests may first major arrests in
@00:10:54 operation q will trigger a mass

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:01:53 things like maybe there are mass arrests

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:21:48 will be mass population awakening due to
@00:21:52 arrests due to these people being

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:20:26 public awakening mass population
@00:20:29 the first arrests will trigger a mass

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:16:18 have already been mass arrests in saudi

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus and Me on Qanon

@00:04:20 as part of the plan of mass arrests and