
Let The October Surprises Begin: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:31:53 shareholders like soros and murdoch

Douglas Belmore Was Fired For Qanon

@00:31:29 antifa is george soros german

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/9/20

@00:02:19 censorship kill soros history
@00:02:23 well the soros history is that
@00:02:27 soros was in hungary when he was a
@00:02:57 is the background of soros

The George Floyd Saga Continues with Maryam Henein

@00:02:58 you all bring up george soros
@00:03:02 so in his mind it does george soros is a

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:22:11 they've had hollywood and george soros
@00:22:26 uh george soros and his lackeys

Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:30:57 by people like soros so they're going to

Order Out of Election Chaos: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:07:30 that was a soros operation from the very
@00:15:30 however much money soros and

Qanon Warns Us About Deep State Inbreeding

@00:27:23 also the third side is george soros and
@00:27:27 so george soros is a billionaire he
@00:27:47 george soros got his own side he gets

FLYNN IS FREE!!!!! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:23:02 where both joe biden and george soros or
@00:25:37 say from the rooftops george soros is a
@00:29:11 be something with soros you know so on
@00:32:37 soros so let's let's see what happens as

The Best Is Yet To Come! Who is Act Blue? Trump, Hollywood Pedo & Q Operation

@00:10:59 someone like george soros or oprah

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 6/23/20

@00:00:13 implicates joe biden and george soros in

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/17/20

@00:46:18 soros we're going to really understand

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:25:44 george soros and his community

Gorge Soros Funds Black Lives Matter & Antifa Real Story Behind The Riots What's Coming Next

@00:16:44 same person george soros so george soros
@00:18:33 deep state so you know george soros did
@00:20:50 saying george soros why hasn't he been

A Pastor's Perspective On Qanon: Patriot Spotlight Series

@00:23:49 george soros is actually putting forth a

The Plan To Destroy America In 4 Stages: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:14:07 george soros who by every measure when
@00:14:17 soros and he hits every mark he is a
@00:14:33 the moment anyone who says george soros
@00:27:38 actually people who george soros

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/10/20

@00:12:46 soros was one of the biggest ones yep
@00:20:59 that george soros and his currency
@00:43:46 george soros and the dark hats that is

Sacha Stone On The Emergence of A New Society

@00:13:19 trying to identify george soros as being
@00:21:46 example for someone like george soros

Will China Surrender In WW3? A Qanon Conversation With Paul Furber

@00:19:57 we are taking down the rothschilds soros
@00:20:42 stand the new world order soros is

Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

@00:05:46 the riots are to do with soros and obama
@00:07:49 look at what george soros has been doing
@00:13:25 riots soros and obama just having a look
@00:21:27 a kodak you dog whistle for george soros
@00:21:36 you have soros the the sworn enemy of

Trump Is Exercising The DemonCrats! (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:29:10 by george soros and george soros is

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/3/20

@00:08:20 george soros you know what does q have
@00:08:28 gonna be funded by george soros and t fo

Get Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/3/20

@00:01:12 that george soros is funding in tifa and
@00:01:24 praising george soros and then q says
@00:06:00 what happens if soros funded operations

The Rioters Will Face Justice #ANTIFA

@00:05:49 the top is it george soros who has given
@00:06:02 george soros has an indictment soon

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/29/20

@00:02:18 george soros although i don't think he
@00:02:33 not because that's what george soros has
@00:02:58 nobody escapes this george soros is not

The Truth About Racism, Rioting, and George Floyd

@00:00:41 event george soros has been pouring

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:24:56 courtesy of the chinese and george soros

Is the movie "Pet Goat" A Deep State Roadmap?

@00:34:56 bill gates george soros you know
@00:36:52 of both hillary clinton and george soros
@00:37:13 the dark circles those are george soros
@00:37:34 george soros and hillary clinton
@00:38:21 soros might be a more a little more

Why Vice Media Hates Qanon and Made the Hit Piece "Going Down the COVID-19 Conspiracy Rabbithole"

@00:02:50 actually owned 10% by soros fund
@00:02:55 george soros and q has specifically
@00:03:13 pyramid is actually george soros the
@00:03:20 thing about george soros is that he

The Deep State Is LIABLE!!!! #Qanon

@00:40:15 foundation and gates and soros are

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:10:19 that george soros invested forty five
@00:10:29 coincidence soros invest february 14th
@00:46:03 any update on what george soros is up to
@00:46:16 and but according to q george soros
@00:51:27 the streets and probably george soros

Proof of Covert Operation for Coup: Qanon Drop

@00:07:26 soros who's like a puppet master and we

Sean Morgan's Qanon Interview on SpirituallyRAW UNCENSORED 4/13/20

@00:06:33 george soros who is a billionaire who

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:02:07 george soros and the house of saud and

What is next with Qanon? Q Patriot Interview 4/5/20

@00:38:35 soros his name dropped in there?

The Corona Questions The Media are NOT ASKING!!!!!

@00:03:01 murdock's like george soros so a handful
@00:03:15 george soros and others are implicated

Who is the Deep State? Qanon

@00:00:20 george soros and his financial and