
Let The October Surprises Begin: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:05:05 money and oil and human trafficking so

JFK Jr and Qanon, Yes We Went There

@00:11:19 trafficking prostitution ring
@00:19:14 as a way by which to do drug trafficking
@00:19:17 heroin trafficking

Douglas Belmore Was Fired For Qanon

@00:06:39 through vaccines through sex trafficking

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 8/20/20

@00:03:07 trafficking

The George Floyd Saga Continues with Maryam Henein

@00:08:37 arguably trafficking then we have
@00:17:04 trafficking not only counterfeit money
@00:17:08 sex trafficking at the um
@00:17:49 there was trafficking of all kinds in el

The Deep State's Dark Religion with Joshua Reid of The Red Pill Project

@00:18:09 trafficking and stuff
@00:18:23 human trafficking and so
@00:18:29 on human trafficking in the tunnels
@00:18:35 human trafficking children and people
@00:19:00 uh the human trafficking is now again
@00:19:28 in human trafficking rings okay this is
@00:20:41 we're talking human trafficking is at a

Qanon Livestream 8/12/20

@00:30:40 child sex trafficking

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:33:35 a huge supply of human trafficking and
@00:40:03 shut down human trafficking and

Foreshadowing The Deep State Downfall: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:01:32 underage uh sex trafficking stuff so
@00:15:26 trafficking rings that are being taken
@00:30:00 and global sex trafficking of children

Qanon Livestream 7/29/20

@00:33:11 trafficking so

Twitter Bans 7,000 Qanon Accounts & Limits 150,000!

@00:04:13 sex trafficking his uh madam
@00:04:18 arrested for sex trafficking so there's
@00:04:21 there was sex trafficking going on and
@00:05:49 trafficking island uh

Trust The Plan: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:14:41 we've got more human trafficking uh
@00:29:18 he's done more against human trafficking
@00:29:36 trafficking to me that's

Qanon Warns Us About Deep State Inbreeding

@00:01:37 big charge is trafficking minors for sex
@00:01:41 so sex trafficking this is not just a
@00:04:06 trafficking ring
@00:15:09 trafficking going on and so this is what

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:17:29 in child trafficking and this
@00:17:32 the child sex trafficking is going to be
@00:17:49 yes the the child trafficking that is
@00:18:02 these pedophilia and human trafficking
@00:20:33 trafficking is really big
@00:23:07 engaged in all of this trafficking and
@00:23:30 trafficking items

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:07:05 your money they've been trafficking kids

Gorge Soros Funds Black Lives Matter & Antifa Real Story Behind The Riots What's Coming Next

@00:20:29 trafficking all of their assets would be

Predicting Future Elections With Red Eagle Patriot: Patriot Spotlight Series

@00:21:47 trafficking actually stopping human
@00:21:50 trafficking through building the wall

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/10/20

@00:17:32 international sex trafficking ring this
@00:24:00 be alive and doing a human trafficking

Michigan Democrat Apologizes to Trump (Over The Horizon With Jim Cutler)

@00:11:55 research of child trafficking and stuff
@00:14:37 you man trafficking kind of stuff and

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:00:38 of satanic satanic child trafficking or
@00:25:37 trafficking and abuse like that have

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 1

@00:29:49 trafficking
@00:34:10 satanic satanic child trafficking or

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus, Conspiracy, and Diverging Timelines

@00:39:03 human trafficking ring human human
@00:39:07 trafficking rings are thriving you can't
@00:39:20 state-sponsored human trafficking yeah
@00:39:35 trafficking with afghanistan and
@00:47:48 human trafficking you know or like some

deleted Why Does Trump Support Vaccines? (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:16:06 pornography and human trafficking rings

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:13:38 human slavery human trafficking you know
@00:13:48 trafficking between us and mexico when

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:36:41 trafficking because of course we know
@00:36:48 trafficking between mexico and the
@00:46:37 trafficking victims what's gonna happen

Qanon Winning Against The Blackhat Playbook 4/19/20

@00:26:53 child sex trafficking and all this stuff
@00:28:46 in child rape and human trafficking how
@00:39:52 sex trafficking like that would have no

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:38:49 trafficking operation in the western
@00:39:23 trafficking victims are being saved but

Sean Morgan's Qanon Interview on SpirituallyRAW UNCENSORED 4/13/20

@00:29:35 sex trafficking so you have to just look

Qanon AMA Livestream With Decoder Q Patriot 4/15/20

@00:37:00 of human trafficking and drug
@00:37:01 trafficking to fund their black op

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:32:24 human trafficking victims at a large
@00:32:42 trafficking and human trafficking we do
@00:32:53 that human trafficking is real we do
@00:33:02 human trafficking and child abuse
@00:33:09 regarding human trafficking so i believe
@00:33:12 we need to look into human trafficking
@00:33:20 human trafficking is really really big

The Collective Consciousness Predicting Events

@00:00:50 trafficking victims beneath the surface

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:09:45 right near the human trafficking ports
@00:16:10 child human trafficking and this is the

Rescue of the missing children happening now? #Qanon

@00:00:24 trafficking victims so let's start out
@00:01:03 trafficking let's go to the next post
@00:01:15 helping human trafficking victims this
@00:01:27 of human trafficking victims heal from
@00:01:35 available to fight human trafficking and
@00:02:11 to aid and in human trafficking so
@00:02:18 trafficking stopping it and so this is a

BOOM WEEK! Qanon timeline theories.

@00:03:16 trafficking victims so this is night 3q

COVert ID 2019 The Year Of The Boomerang. Qanon Theory.

@00:12:01 human tracking trafficking victims who
@00:12:39 hospitals for human trafficking victims

Corona Military Ships For Freed Human Trafficking Victims? #Qanon

@00:01:39 trafficking and child sex trafficking

Corona Response Could Be Military Prep: Dilly Show #Qanon

@00:03:13 ships are actually for human trafficking

Quarantined Celebs Decoded Part 2 #Qanon

@00:02:10 trafficking coded

Quarantined Celebs Coded Communication #Qanon PART 1

@00:02:33 and child trafficking and here the keys

How to emotionally cope with the gravity of Qanon

@00:02:29 child sex trafficking so it's hard to

The Main Stream Media Hates Qanon.

@00:02:56 charged for sex trafficking and and

Could Trump and Qanon be DeepState? Nahhhhhh!

@00:07:27 against human trafficking against

Who can you trust to follow in Qanon Movement | My curated list | Must Watch

@00:02:06 into the child sex trafficking and and

Important events before and during Qanon

@00:02:08 language about child sex trafficking in
@00:02:21 trafficking and pedophilia is one of the

What do the executive orders say about the Qanon narrative?

@00:01:40 trafficking i'll show you one of those
@00:01:45 executive orders about sex trafficking
@00:01:55 combating human trafficking and online
@00:02:06 done more to to fight human trafficking

Why are memes important? Must Watch

@00:00:30 trafficking jeffrey epstein and and all

How to understand Qanon Lingo

@00:00:48 think about child sex trafficking and

Who is the Deep State? Qanon

@00:01:53 trafficking pedophilia rings and and

What is the origin of the Q Operation?

@00:02:03 to stop child sex trafficking of the
@00:03:13 things like child sex trafficking so i'm
@00:03:25 sex trafficking what executive orders is