
Does Trump Really Have COVID? What is Going On?????!!!!!

@00:04:41 underground tunnel beneath

JFK Jr and Qanon, Yes We Went There

@00:26:15 like whether that's underground

Exposing the Communist Revolution. Social Media Blackout Coming.

@00:02:23 um it wasn't an underground tunnel

Beirut Mystery Blast Update

@00:00:53 a network of underground facilities at
@00:01:03 used to kill everybody underground

Twitter Bans 7,000 Qanon Accounts & Limits 150,000!

@00:03:55 underground an underground layer and we

Qanon Warns Us About Deep State Inbreeding

@00:10:19 the underground layer of the island of
@00:10:32 underground layers and there's these
@00:10:47 there this was an underground bunker or
@00:11:27 underground layer go he just asked the

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 7/3/20 The Epstein Island Is Back In The Spotlight

@00:00:33 underground facilities dungeons under
@00:02:19 fill the underground facilities but q

Your Daily Q Countdown 6/1/20

@00:06:33 the underground bunker used in the past

SpirituallyRAW Interview on the Q Community

@00:14:17 underground warfare
@00:14:22 huge underground network
@00:14:26 a war under in the underground network
@00:14:29 what are in those underground networks

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:10:51 underground bunkers so i've never seen

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:26:58 uh about child abuse in an underground

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:25:34 underground warfare technology so

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:31:19 lot of deep underground military bases
@00:31:37 check out that going on the underground
@00:31:41 lot of research on the underground
@00:31:46 underground warfare so to me that means
@00:32:02 because they hide underground and above
@00:32:24 into the space and underground so the
@00:32:29 the underground facilities and awakening
@00:36:31 the deeper underground military bases
@00:36:37 know what's underground we can only
@00:36:51 are underground tunnels we know for a

Qanon Winning Against The Blackhat Playbook 4/19/20

@00:20:48 you know the underground false flag

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:38:27 underground okay well we know that there
@00:38:32 are massive underground operations how
@00:38:39 underground warfare they don't invest in
@00:38:59 so there are underground tunnels this
@00:39:21 are underground operations where human
@00:42:58 these are deep underground military
@00:43:10 have underground nuclear research
@00:43:30 explosions in underground places so i
@00:43:37 deep underground military bases and

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:32:05 in this underground children sigh up
@00:32:21 some kind of underground thing with
@00:32:34 are underground underground tunnels from
@00:32:44 know that there there is an underground
@00:37:00 information on deep underground military
@00:43:00 rescued from underground bunkers and

The Collective Consciousness Predicting Events

@00:00:53 you know underground so this is just a

Qanon Community Tweets 4/10/20

@00:03:44 state as a fact that deep underground

Rescue of the missing children happening now? #Qanon

@00:00:20 underground warfare and rescued human
@00:01:53 underground warfare and this is an
@00:02:27 and fire underground in the uk and also
@00:05:52 deep underground military bases message
@00:07:38 underground tunnels here this is pier 90
@00:08:04 underground and operation and they're
@00:08:48 destroying the deep underground military

BOOM WEEK! Qanon timeline theories.

@00:05:07 an underground underground fire so
@00:05:12 below in the underground this is from

COVert ID 2019 The Year Of The Boomerang. Qanon Theory.

@00:12:51 into underground warfare and so i'm
@00:13:44 underground and and was trapped there

Corona Military Ships For Freed Human Trafficking Victims? #Qanon

@00:01:34 tim ballard of operation underground
@00:02:08 underground military bases and there are
@00:02:13 in these underground places so maybe the