
Trump the Maestro and his COVID Operation: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:26:06 uh vaccines so i'm really confused uh


@00:01:32 vaccines carry risks
@00:02:44 vaccines are tested against other
@00:02:47 vaccines
@00:03:00 vaccines are typically tested for days
@00:03:25 information critical of vaccines
@00:04:00 vaccines have received billions of
@00:04:03 and private money these vaccines have

Douglas Belmore Was Fired For Qanon

@00:06:04 vaccines
@00:06:39 through vaccines through sex trafficking

Big Tech Election Interference: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:21:31 you know vaccines aren't that easy to
@00:22:31 nobody's going to talk about vaccines

The Calm Before The Storm: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:35:56 the history of vaccines is basically one
@00:36:43 the vaccines
@00:39:02 you they put things in these vaccines to
@00:42:14 affects you directly like vaccines or
@00:42:31 accepting anything like vaccines or

The Deep State's Dark Religion with Joshua Reid of The Red Pill Project

@00:17:06 dna vaccines we already have this
@00:18:01 do with vaccines

Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:11:50 now with regards to the vaccines you and
@00:11:59 rna vaccines which is what we're talking
@00:12:36 any vaccine and be okay with vaccines
@00:12:51 with these new vaccines and suddenly
@00:14:20 he's been against vaccines he he doesn't
@00:14:24 uh in vaccines that they practically had
@00:14:55 deep state is mandatory vaccines to try

Foreshadowing The Deep State Downfall: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:32:35 and vaccines are another big one if i
@00:33:10 vaccines if if if the public finds out
@00:33:13 that vaccines
@00:33:38 vaccines can't work they can work i just

Twitter Bans 7,000 Qanon Accounts & Limits 150,000!

@00:18:28 vaccines coming along the way so is
@00:19:14 vaccines don't have any safety or
@00:20:45 vaccines they would put in a whole bunch
@00:20:48 in the vaccines to try to kill us but
@00:20:52 charge of the vaccines

Your Daily Qanon Qommunity Qountdown 7/27/20

@00:09:02 why is trump talking about vaccines

Trust The Plan: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:06:57 million vaccines and
@00:06:58 all this stuff about vaccines what do
@00:18:29 jim if you could go into the vaccines
@00:23:30 um okay so how about vaccines let's
@00:23:56 creating the most vaccines the fastest
@00:25:26 i get it something about vaccines

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:08:51 their resources saying vaccines are good
@00:08:53 vaccines

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:25:57 now he's got bad health and bad vaccines

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus, Conspiracy, and Diverging Timelines

@00:26:01 vaccines and right even though the
@00:27:16 vaccines i have my opinions on 5g i have
@00:27:45 skeptical of pesticides and vaccines and

Q Post Analysis with Jim Cutler LiveStream 5/20/20

@00:41:14 pharma and vaccines are bad and don't
@00:41:42 vaccines the deep states not in charge
@00:41:44 of vaccines the cdc is not in charge of
@00:41:47 vaccines the world health organization
@00:41:49 is not in charge of vaccines so the
@00:43:16 about how trump has said the vaccines
@00:43:26 mandatory vaccines about a year ago and

deleted Why Does Trump Support Vaccines? (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:00:54 vaccines vaccines are from the deep
@00:02:39 vaccines and get them out there and
@00:02:52 talking about vaccines like that and it
@00:03:07 vaccines and that's where we come to
@00:04:18 about vaccines one would be he could be
@00:04:27 at all against vaccines he would be
@00:04:47 believing that vaccines are good and the
@00:05:15 tweeting about questioning vaccines for
@00:05:37 these vaccines at such an early age so i
@00:06:14 vaccines i'm taking the military the
@00:06:23 control of the vaccines i'm the one
@00:07:25 vaccines and he's talking about them in
@00:07:40 vaccines for coronavirus do not exist
@00:09:50 would want i mean even if vaccines were
@00:11:08 well vaccines aren't safe and effective
@00:11:19 vaccines are good in fact i'm the
@00:11:22 biggest believer in vaccines in fact
@00:11:24 we're gonna make vaccines faster than
@00:12:19 this close to saying make vaccines great
@00:12:46 or past vaccines or legal liability for
@00:17:59 the dangers of vaccines on the on your

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/13/20

@00:42:21 vaccines and today essentially we can't

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:28:38 about vaccines remember optics or the
@00:29:17 vaccines i'll be against it but he

Getting "Inside Intel" with Journalist Paul Furber #Qanon

@00:37:31 so, you know, the vaccines

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:08:15 vaccines and with with the drugs that

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:17:48 supporting vaccines well i don't i don't
@00:17:54 vaccines he's basically just not against
@00:17:59 something with vaccines this is gonna be
@00:18:56 wouldn't worry too much about vaccines

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:27:35 state meds and the deep state vaccines
@00:32:58 poisons in these vaccines there's no
@00:33:01 efficacy and safety testing on vaccines
@00:33:19 advocating vaccines then i will get off
@00:35:31 awakening mz liberty rat says vaccines

Suppressed CoronaVirus health information! Interview with Dr. Eric Nepute #CoronaVirus #COVID19

@00:14:43 because i'm not again vaccines i'm
@00:15:08 vaccines if they could show us that then
@00:16:10 won't do the chip but the vaccines
@00:16:20 have mandatory vaccines for children

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:28:42 to prove that will vaccines be mandatory
@00:29:10 don't i wouldn't worry about vaccines
@00:37:41 if mandatory vaccines are gonna roll out
@00:42:42 mandatory vaccines so and we shouldn't

Qanon Community Tweets 4/10/20

@00:06:39 conspire to make money via vaccines and
@00:07:11 adamantly for vaccines so you can make
@00:09:35 push patented vaccines instead so this

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:15:54 policy what's the plan using vaccines to
@00:17:01 efficacy and dangers of vaccines you
@00:17:05 dangers of vaccines that that would just
@00:17:16 dangers of vaccines bill gates in the