@00:22:51 i don't know like gitmo

Why Are THEY Expending Their AMMUNITION?

@00:17:30 gitmo for the rest of their lives

Are We Seeing PEACE Through STRENGTH?

@00:04:19 directly into jail or gitmo or whatever

Will THEY Try To STEAL The Election?

@00:14:39 or gitmo or whatever but it's going to

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:15:17 isn't in handcuffs and in jail and gitmo

Are More DARK DAYS Ahead For THEM?

@00:12:55 up in gitmo

Can ANYTHING Stop What's Coming?

@00:15:14 one at the naval station in gitmo where

Are We Witnessing A VIRAL PURGE?

@00:18:32 to go to gitmo i would agree with that

Predicting The FUTURE To Stop Global Disaster?

@00:17:50 hillary clinton she goes to gitmo put on
@00:19:24 a jury whether that's in gitmo or in the

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:21:39 some changes to the wait gitmo was run
@00:22:26 gitmo is open and ready for all of these

Live from the line at Trump rally Rio Rancho NM

@00:04:07 if liam if you are actually at gitmo

Do We Have MORE Than We Know?

@00:20:23 warm weather cuz i hear gitmo gets

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:21:54 active at gitmo i don't want to say

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:15:33 taking the gitmo or put on a spaceship i


@00:05:39 know he's in gitmo now or he's in

When Does A Bird Sing? WATCH NYC & CA!

@00:13:24 gitmo or that he was on board with the

We Had Everything From DAY ONE...

@00:06:51 grant gitmo red red iron eagle q so
@00:06:55 that's another reference to gitmo and

Hangout Session w/ Craig from JustInformed Talk

@00:09:48 somebody says trials at gitmo yet i'm

What Else Are They Not Telling Us?

@00:34:42 that have fun in gitmo

Why are WE a threat to THEM?

@00:03:14 deserve to be sent to gitmo these

Q & A with Q

@00:26:40 asking it says is gitmo guantanamo bay

Q Anon | Election Day Drops...

@00:30:01 gitmo kelly kelly says it's pronounced

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:15:41 gitmo

Q ANON: Latest News - [NK DEAL] ?

@00:42:12 in gitmo i have no idea what pain is or

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We endure."

@00:06:41 gitmo and iron eagle so so that's where

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Misspellings matter."

@00:15:14 inside gitmo yeah that'd be great if you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The LINK.

@00:05:07 gitmo and then it gives jz9 a 89 read

Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL

@00:30:13 just care to know how full gitmo is

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/17/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance Q Is Real!!

@00:06:28 classic went gitmo read read iron eagle
@00:06:31 q so that's another reference to gitmo