

@00:09:52 that indictments have been

Who's Behind The DOMESTIC TERROR Campaigns?

@00:01:19 to see major indictments coming so you
@00:18:59 the indictments apparently are coming
@00:26:40 major indictments are coming
@00:26:44 25th we may see some major indictments
@00:37:00 the arrests and major indictments will

Who Is To BLaMe For These 'WILD' FIRES?

@00:22:18 wake me when there are indictments and
@00:24:03 those high level indictments


@00:15:52 indictments i'd like to see some trials

Were THEY Caught Committing TREASON?

@00:03:23 major indictments coming and i fee i

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:03:59 indictments from the derm probe are on
@00:04:08 going to start seeing major indictments
@00:05:50 meadows he says i expect indictments
@00:09:59 understanding how these indictments are
@00:11:20 indictments i know i expect indictments
@00:12:08 indictments coming in don't forget i'm
@00:12:47 they don't want these indictments to
@00:19:55 indictments start falling because once
@00:19:57 the indictments drop they're gonna
@00:20:56 indictments come out on august 19th i

Are We Entering The FINAL COUNTDOWN?

@00:09:06 they talk about what indictments are
@00:09:10 these are unsealed indictments coming
@00:18:45 indictments that are coming up against
@00:20:23 to be a major set of indictments this is

How Do You Circumvent The Controlled Narrative?

@00:25:32 grand jury indictments it limits travel
@00:25:37 jury indictments you know look at what

What Don't THEY Want You To Know?

@00:14:14 expect that we will see indictments for


@00:20:30 results and yield indictments and that

What Happens When YOU Are FULLY AWAKE?

@00:07:52 that indictments have been building for
@00:24:10 the indictments have been building for

Are More DARK DAYS Ahead For THEM?

@00:01:06 major criminal indictments against

Are You Ready To Stand Up Against THEM?

@00:12:06 be seeing indictments coming soon but

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:18:27 we're waiting on these indictments and

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:10:51 turn into the indictments which will
@00:10:57 be a list of indictments that looks very

Why Are BACKCHANNELS So Important?

@00:02:03 possibility of indictments that have
@00:15:15 talks about the indictments it's
@00:15:49 indictments issue now these indictments
@00:16:45 indictments are coming so when i see
@00:17:51 indictments that have been leaked maybe

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:07:48 or 12 indictments but there could be a
@00:07:50 handful of indictments in much more
@00:09:42 indictments tracting not tracking non
@00:09:53 maybe six indictments even but this is

Actionable Intelligence For President Trump About CCP Virus?

@00:08:28 for indictments to come out on the


@00:16:13 placeholder indictments tracking

Are We Engaged In A MAJOR BATTLE Against EVIL?

@00:14:50 the fisa indictments equal start public
@00:18:26 indictments to come because you have to
@00:18:43 prosecute or bring indictments and have
@00:28:27 and the indictments that are coming

Are YOU Prepared For What Is Coming?

@00:23:19 indictments start

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:14:44 asks about why the sealed indictments

Is This The Worst Case Scenario?

@00:09:54 indictments and everything because you


@00:07:13 are the mass indictments where the you
@00:07:55 be able to see not only the indictments


@00:08:19 just indictments and they say hashtag
@00:10:54 lead to indictments this isn't only
@00:11:23 indictments could be made that's right
@00:11:52 indictments and it won't just be a


@00:05:58 indictments and everything take a long


@00:21:55 if it's warranted indictments and then

Are THEY Prepared For What Is Happening?

@00:14:31 senators they're sealed indictments
@00:14:46 is showing them the sealed indictments

Have THEY Infiltrated EVERY Critical Senior Position?

@00:09:00 where are the indictments it's getting
@00:22:20 150,000 sealed indictments not all

What Aren't THEY Telling Us RE: IRAN'S SECRET PLANS?

@00:26:19 indictments are coming for her and her


@00:18:34 investigations take time indictments in

Are THEY Pushing A 'SCORCHED EARTH' Agenda?

@00:25:43 know that there's even more indictments
@00:25:47 indictments coming down the pipeline and

A Declaration of OPEN WAR?

@00:06:26 the time that the indictments are coming
@00:06:41 indictments is what it means here
@00:06:43 indictments being unsealed right think
@00:19:07 comes many eyes indictments
@00:19:39 isis then it would be indictments and
@00:24:46 coming as far as indictments go the next


@00:22:11 actual authority to bring indictments

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:13:53 indictments this person is disagreeing


@00:20:22 indictments that were issued and arrests

Spy Tactics Used Against Trump Backfiring?

@00:07:04 indictments coming they were promised by
@00:07:21 accused and charged with indictments in
@00:09:22 start seeing the indictments unsealed on

Secret Insurance Files Hold The KEY To EVERYTHING?

@00:12:38 timely indictments i deceive i know and


@00:20:22 indictments will come they may not come

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:25:17 says indictments coming 2019 cue this

Did THEY See The Insurance File?

@00:08:23 indication that any indictments have

Did The STORM Hide Strategic Covert Ops?

@00:12:36 here's to hope in the indictments come

What Are THEY Afraid To Talk About?

@00:19:10 there with indictments and and crimes

Who Is Telling The TRUTH About This?

@00:20:39 indictments and put these people on
@00:23:08 indictments of the enron executives and

How Do You Get Ahead Of A Story?

@00:22:04 arrests the indictments and obviously

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:05:27 bringing these indictments forward at

When Will THEY Realize IT'S OVER?

@00:05:33 so that when indictments come out that

Billionaire Victoria's Secret Founder Disavows Jeffrey Epstein???

@00:19:26 when he brought indictments again all

TRUTH About The MEDIA & The FBI?

@00:03:49 and indictments coming from the ig

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:07:53 indictments and and and try like
@00:25:20 there are indictments being brought

What THEY Don't Want YOU To See...

@00:17:25 wasn't worth bringing indictments on

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:07:02 because of the sealed indictments and
@00:07:09 indictments and arresting people like

Why Are THEY Panicking In DC?

@00:20:54 about his island the indictments are

How Did THEY Get Away With It?

@00:19:25 of culpability or you know indictments

Mysterious Secrets From Prince's Past...

@00:15:52 indictments coming we have unsealing of

When Does A Bird Sing? WATCH NYC & CA!

@00:05:47 have the unsealing of indictments and
@00:06:04 arrests and indictments which we can

Think THEY'RE Untouchable? THINK AGAIN!

@00:06:58 re-arrested and given new indictments

The Choice To KNOW Will Be Yours...

@00:05:16 vids along with the indictments helps a

Sensitive Deep Sea Fiber Optic Network Attacked?

@00:10:13 on the coming indictments and arrest


@00:05:28 indictments shared by two officials

The FUTURE Will Prove The PAST...

@00:08:33 these different issues with indictments

We Had Everything From DAY ONE...

@00:01:50 indictments are coming up in the uranium

4 Strange Deaths Leave Unanswered Questions?

@00:14:22 indictments and he used a cop-out to say


@00:17:58 and an election these indictments
@00:18:16 indictments allege and the other
@00:24:55 our indictments that there were multiple

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:23:26 timely indictments prince explained

How Long Did THEY Secretly Watch US?

@00:20:50 any other indictments that we can levy
@00:23:51 indictments come wait till court of law

Transparency Is The Only Way Forward...

@00:03:53 previous indictments going back to our

Truth To Light. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:21:08 indictments and that could carry a

Mysteriously Deleted Tweet Proves UNBELIEVABLE Story?

@00:06:19 indictments coming q so i think we can
@00:06:21 certainly expect indictments to be

Stay The Course And Trust The Plan...It's Happening!

@00:12:01 indictments against these individuals

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:13:57 indictments but it's all about national

Why WE, THE PEOPLE, Are Winning Like Never Before...

@00:04:33 party there are going to be indictments
@00:05:56 major indictments and major things being
@00:16:48 jury you have to have indictments you

Prepare For What Is About To Be Unleashed...

@00:03:37 unseal the indictments could that be a

Did THEY Get The Whole Story Wrong On Purpose?

@00:25:28 some indictments unsealed at the same

Hangout Session w/ Craig from JustInformed Talk

@00:13:34 indictments may be we may be a while off

Do You Know How Deep This Plan Goes?

@00:06:25 according to cue sealed indictments is

When The Truth Is Told THEY'RE In Trouble...

@00:14:53 indictments right that were sitting for
@00:15:04 there and said these indictments have
@00:18:19 these people are stupid indictments
@00:20:06 make these indictments stick right but q

Why Do THEY Want Us In The DARK?

@00:04:31 with no further indictments according to
@00:06:11 indictments of both of those people that
@00:06:34 other occasions there are indictments in


@00:08:51 investigation there are no indictments

THEY Thought It Was Coming Last Week...SURPRISE!

@00:00:05 are people predicting indictments of
@00:02:40 recommending any further indictments the
@00:06:00 indictments this mean there this means
@00:07:16 sealed indictments that existed against

Unsealing 'Career-Ending' Documents Has THEM Scared...

@00:09:04 actual indictments coming that's really
@00:27:10 several indictments if that hasn't

These Players Are About To See A Day Of Reckoning...

@00:15:01 allegedly having sealed indictments

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:04:51 sealed indictments on your children and
@00:09:41 indictments that had been set in place
@00:09:44 indictments were trying to be used in
@00:10:03 manufacture sealed indictments against
@00:10:22 insurance indictments regarding evanka
@00:10:45 how do you get sealed indictments on
@00:16:00 indictments to be submitted against the
@00:18:17 put together these sealed indictments

Did POTUS Vaporize The Secret Societies College Pipeline?

@00:01:42 latest set of indictments being issued
@00:12:50 sealed indictments that have just been

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:12:03 sealed indictments installed dc prior to
@00:12:08 indictments in dc were blockade of the
@00:12:32 this story was coming the indictments
@00:12:39 last resort blockade indictments they're
@00:13:26 indictments could very well exist i'm
@00:27:25 first several indictments will bring

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:05:30 sealed indictments installed dc prior to
@00:05:34 indictments dc blockade last resort
@00:07:46 indictments were installed prior to rod
@00:07:57 insurance policies of sealed indictments
@00:08:21 sealed indictments so is that the
@00:08:28 sealed indictments in it's a sealed
@00:08:30 indictments in dc blockade or last
@00:09:00 you know where the different indictments
@00:09:16 sealed indictments that have been
@00:10:10 any indictments and people have said
@00:10:14 together sealed indictments behind the

Secrets Sold To Our Enemies Can't Buy Safety Forever!

@00:08:14 how many indictments are going to be
@00:08:23 indictments for different persons
@00:08:49 the latest batch of unsealed indictments

THEY have something very serious to FEAR...WE KNOW!

@00:18:14 indictments coming q
@00:18:15 i can't wait for indictments because i
@00:18:25 and indictments become unsealed then

How Do You Stop A McCarthy-Style Witch Hunt?

@00:11:46 you have 80,000 sealed indictments since

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:12:20 high-level indictments but it ended up

Convicted Felon Set To Testify Before Congress; True or False?

@00:14:40 gone into this no no indictments are

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:07:27 indictments are needed against any and

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:05:57 updates at patriots fight indictments

Phase III: Are You Ready For The Next Stage?

@00:07:33 indictments okay no one has been

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:05:00 indictments who knows right but it says

If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY?

@00:22:34 these charges in today's indictments are
@00:22:46 details on today's indictments but let

Why was THIS allowed to happen?

@00:05:39 indictments that exist that all of that
@00:06:00 if indictments are unsealed and if she

The clock is ticking. When will the 1st alarm ring?

@00:05:14 there are a lot of sealed indictments

Is this WHY people are panicking?

@00:04:21 lots of sealed indictments on the way
@00:04:55 indictments exist how many of those are

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:06:17 indictments that exist according to q
@00:16:44 to go forward before the indictments are

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:06:43 mountain full not a lot of indictments
@00:08:08 you know indictments is going to lead to

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:10:42 60,000 plus sealed indictments what is
@00:10:49 indictments total filed from 2017

The World is about to change.

@00:13:25 impaneled sealed indictments obviously

Who's working to save himself?

@00:04:34 indictments are where it all lays and
@00:07:56 50,000 plus sealed indictments across
@00:08:22 there's 50,000 indictments behind the
@00:08:42 indictments that are gonna be in
@00:18:11 meaning you know unseals indictments and

A picture is worth many sentences.

@00:15:54 locked and loaded the indictments are

Nothing can stop what is coming.

@00:18:51 sealed indictments they've probably been

Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

@00:36:51 60,000 sealed indictments yeah that i
@00:36:54 mean they're sealed indictments i think
@00:37:01 indictments usually the government held

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:22:49 sealed indictments against julian

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:12:24 coaching the sealed indictments huber
@00:13:07 these sealed indictments built up and he

What if the above could be proven?

@00:20:01 placeholder indictments tracking
@00:20:04 civilians placeholder indictments
@00:20:55 indictments for tracking civilians
@00:20:57 illegally then we may see indictments

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:21:33 indictments hopefully they'll be
@00:23:18 indictments brought against them for so

CNN's Jim Acosta Loses Press Credentials @ White House!

@00:01:58 indictments coming down

Q Anon | Crossing The Red Line!

@00:19:44 sealed indictments which cues we'll even
@00:19:52 indictments waiting for them and who

Q Anon | "Do you understand why?"

@00:22:01 these indictments and getting these
@00:22:10 indictments lined up there's gonna come

2018 Midterm Election Results LIVE

@00:31:39 indictments come out plus any contested
@00:31:52 indictments coming out which q told us
@00:32:18 implicated by these indictments that
@00:47:30 indictments came before the bid terms

Q Anon | "Do you 'Air Q' ?"

@00:18:57 indictments waiting for them

Tracked using cell phone & DNA trails...

@00:05:35 had sealed indictments that were put up

Mysterious Packages Sent to Top Officials...

@00:19:03 50,000 sealed indictments that could be

Do Not Look Here

@00:38:37 out indictments and they pick up hillary

Q Anon | "What are the odds of that?"

@00:12:17 know bringing indictments against

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:02:02 indictments that are going to be coming
@00:14:26 bring indictments and this could be

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:15:05 find out whom we see the indictments

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:07:39 plus in sealed indictments across the

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:21:43 solidified through indictments through

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:32:19 45,000 sealed indictments i think we can

Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?"

@00:08:11 thousand sealed indictments that exist
@00:08:16 how many of those sealed indictments are

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:07:23 when jeff unseals all those indictments
@00:22:45 50,000 plus sealed indictments across
@00:24:50 there's 50,000 sealed indictments and

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:09:53 indictments and you see all these like

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:27:33 indictments people and if the media
@00:27:38 sealed indictments ever think of that


@00:02:52 have to see indictments and we have to

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:20:24 45,000 sealed indictments came up the
@00:21:02 45,000 indictments sealed indictments on

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:15:06 flynn before 45,000 sealed indictments
@00:15:12 sealed indictments out and that's just

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:28:57 45,000 sealed indictments now the next

The truth the MSM is scared to report...

@00:11:35 think sealed indictments count think
@00:19:10 sealed indictments what do those have to

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:11:26 45,000 sealed indictments and we've
@00:11:55 indictments that are waiting to be
@00:11:57 unsealed and what are sealed indictments
@00:12:16 indictments that are waiting to be
@00:12:46 july update two sealed indictments says
@00:13:12 the sealed indictments are but then
@00:13:15 here for sealed indictments and the
@00:13:45 time they have sealed indictments

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:00:00 tonight unsealed indictments exposed cia
@00:29:42 this is the unsealed indictments that we
@00:29:52 indictment the indictments against


@00:21:20 fifty thousand sealed indictments we've
@00:21:26 indictments and you know why they're

"NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people!"

@00:07:35 and then bring indictments and do do

"No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

@00:16:01 approve the indictments to be issued and

Q ANON: "Cooperating witness [Power removed]."

@00:34:53 investigation leading into indictments


@00:19:53 there might be sealed indictments

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:05:57 indictments are there already sealed
@00:05:58 indictments a lot of the speculation
@00:06:51 there's been sealed indictments for a
@00:06:57 unseal certain indictments you know
@00:07:02 indictments in investigations that and
@00:07:05 indictments that are being created
@00:08:16 when more indictments are unsealed that
@00:08:42 horowitz to unseal indictments and to
@00:09:30 the main indictments are unsealed it is
@00:15:27 indictments it's all going to have to be

Q ANON: "We rather enjoyed this one."

@00:00:45 sealed indictments what's been going on

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:18:48 indictments say any of that but i can
@00:38:50 us this graphic of sealed indictments
@00:39:08 can see here it says sealed indictments
@00:39:27 how many sealed indictments exist in
@00:39:37 sealed indictments per month now how
@00:39:53 indictments since q started posting
@00:40:07 indictments five times the number that
@00:41:25 indictments it would take a very large

Q ANON: "Crisis mode."

@00:16:36 indictments is really where we've come


@00:13:34 indictments through grand cherry through

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:00:06 imagined as far as indictments and
@00:08:25 juries levy indictments that's coming
@00:09:57 release indictments or to have
@00:10:01 indictments or are the indictments still
@00:12:04 indictments no need to go through rod

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:25:45 there's going to be indictments of those

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:05:12 hussein red indicate indictments

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:47:56 sealed indictments yeah that's very
@00:48:07 indictments why no leaks who else knows


@00:13:37 bringing these indictments don't have


@00:06:50 to figure out whether or not indictments


@00:10:39 forward indictments to get them going

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:33:27 these indictments it's going to take the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - DAY 1 of "A WEEK TO REMEMBER."

@00:15:52 indictments i've heard can you imagine

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:10:41 charges seek indictments and get results
@00:15:18 whether to hand down indictments for
@00:15:45 grand jury and indictments against
@00:27:20 has the power to seek indictments and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:37:56 whether or not indictments should be

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Did Q Try To WARN Us???

@00:01:13 anthony weiner and the indictments and
@00:01:18 unsealing of those indictments and how
@00:15:54 indictment or indictments probably

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Why are we here?"

@00:20:48 indictments when you create more sealed
@00:20:49 indictments who knows they may unsealed
@00:20:53 indictments that are already in
@00:22:37 if we put together indictments and we
@00:25:36 to do if we want if you want indictments


@00:00:37 indictments have been unsealed in and
@00:20:53 happening no indictments are unsealed
@00:21:28 indictments are unsealed other cases
@00:23:04 indictments in any given federal court

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:11:48 get the indictments going and we get the

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File".

@00:26:32 fbi or the doj to pursue indictments
@00:28:12 timely indictments i've seen i know and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:03:33 says here says sealed indictments define
@00:04:39 what happens if fed criminal indictments
@00:05:06 indictments is an interesting thought so
@00:05:12 at sealed indictments excuse me and
@00:05:36 out these sealed indictments for no
@00:05:42 out the sealed indictments the sealed
@00:05:43 indictments have stayed on leaked well
@00:06:01 sealed the sealed indictments now
@00:06:04 federally sealed indictments and state
@00:06:06 sealed indictments go different agencies
@00:07:48 indictments are important and they have
@00:09:38 able to bring these indictments from the
@00:10:56 what happens if the indictments are

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "SKY EVENT."

@00:08:38 indictments removed resolved do not fall
@00:14:45 classified sealed indictments removed
@00:15:04 sealed indictments

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:23:29 indictments against an individual or
@00:23:40 accusations or indictments that are
@00:24:05 indictments against those who may or may
@00:36:08 indictments if the grand juries say so

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:19:16 to get indictments on everybody for
@00:25:41 ability to draw indictments a.m. jury

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:04:01 criminal indictments they're gonna talk

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q!

@00:04:49 letter to actually bring indictments
@00:07:09 lobbying to have indictments drawn so


@00:21:02 indictments i'm not sure it doesn't seem

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "H0NEYP0TS."

@00:10:15 indictments that are coming out now so


@00:05:38 indictment and there will be indictments
@00:05:42 there will be indictments

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q Responds to me!

@00:11:12 indictments on actors inside the

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:08:28 so does that mean the indictments that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:16:43 sealed indictments that i've been
@00:16:56 broken the seals on those indictments

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:13:07 criminal indictments that he can then
@00:14:49 hand down indictments for felony
@00:32:40 general starts making indictments and

Q AN0N: Illuminatti Cards "Backlash"

@00:12:25 indictments could be sealed still and
@00:12:58 so what if there were sealed indictments

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail."

@00:02:53 this that once indictments are brought

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:18:56 the the indictments are coming soon for

Q ANON: Latest New Intel - "He is weak."

@00:36:11 public or the indictments i should say

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Expect a lot more.

@00:15:36 indictments are being unsealed i mean
@00:17:36 what's coming the the indictments and
@00:24:28 and we're gonna put some indictments

Q AN0N: "Booms" A New Theory.

@00:06:31 of sealed indictments making their way
@00:09:54 mccabe rolling over on comey indictments

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Enjoy the show."

@00:23:03 indictments unsealed or brought so with

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:00:00 sealed indictments for houma and podesta
@00:04:46 these are sealed indictments that we're
@00:04:49 pointing to the indictments were sealed

Q ANON: New Latest Posts...

@00:04:21 all these indictments that drop today on