Red october

What Would Happen If THEY Won?

@00:11:58 that's pretty big guys q says red
@00:12:00 october well that's a red october

Hunter/Chinese BACKMAIL Exposed? Comey/Epstein/Maxwell Connection? & MORE!!!

@00:28:03 red october has begun today is october

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:14:35 says red october upcoming
@00:14:44 um which was what red october is about
@00:15:48 hunt for red october and then it just

Who's Behind The DOMESTIC TERROR Campaigns?

@00:36:14 hunt for red october where

What You Should Know About Google's 'AI Manhattan Project'

@00:16:03 on the 2nd october 2nd the ceo of
@00:16:11 god code red emergency there's a whole

Where Do WE Get Our Information?

@00:13:01 in red october to expose what's
@00:22:38 so it's happening the storm is here red
@00:22:42 october and we're not pulling any

Is Operation RED OCTOBER In Full Effect?

@00:01:34 informed talk operation red october is
@00:20:40 part of the red october operation that
@00:20:45 military sources who say operation red
@00:20:48 october is active and it is ongoing
@00:20:57 red october coming against the pope as

Where Are The REAL Criminals Hiding?

@00:22:42 remember operation red october is active

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:02:37 out in red october we're gonna talk
@00:05:34 this november and operation red october

Why Was A Path Cleared For HER Return???

@00:01:58 but we are in the middle of red october

Did The STORM Hide A Sinister Plot Against US?

@00:24:04 battle and the good guys won red october

Do We Have MORE Than We Know?

@00:21:13 books here listed as the hunt for red
@00:21:15 october and it's got all these different
@00:21:22 to the hunt for red october and one of
@00:21:26 of 2013 about the red october campaign
@00:22:11 for red october i thought this was very
@00:22:36 was iron eagle iron eagle in red october
@00:23:49 plus plus plus red october iron eagle q

US Sub Sunk Off Coast Of Alaska?

@00:19:26 threat push red october double meanings

The World is about to change.

@00:01:34 of october hugh had been talking about
@00:01:37 red october for quite some time now this

Q Anon | "Do you understand why?"

@00:26:13 is the anniversary of around october
@00:26:14 in 1917 in red october or commonly known
@00:26:46 red line on the anniversary of red
@00:26:48 october now what are the odds of that
@00:26:50 now when q says red line q is obviously

Do Not Look Here

@00:22:47 every october 1st right and so red
@00:22:53 october

Q Anon | "What are the odds of that?"

@00:13:31 red october q so this is what's

Q Anon | "The Hunt For" dropped - why?

@00:10:41 red octobers for so long red october
@00:12:25 the hunt for a red october which and
@00:16:01 russia sub threat push red october
@00:18:29 the red october scare that they're

Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!

@00:12:05 d5 red october q and the hill article
@00:19:13 all gonna be a part of red october is
@00:29:32 red october who is at the q rally good

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:05:23 follow the pattern red october now all
@00:07:43 gentlemen the red october and we are
@00:12:16 now we're in red october so there you go

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:08:17 we're in red october so this is i think

Q Anon | Predicts Judge K Confirmed to Supreme Court?

@00:00:32 midst of the red october and you guys

"You will be 'shocked' to learn what you've 'essentially' witnessed."

@00:01:26 two and is this the beginning of red
@00:01:28 october right october as far as exposing

Q Anon | "Welcome to the POLICE STATE."

@00:04:57 prepare red october q and that's exactly
@00:06:36 all out prepare red october we stand
@00:13:48 he says red october and it's got red in
@00:13:52 a cross so i think the red cross has
@00:13:56 draw out what red cross and red october
@00:14:03 about how red the red cross that october
@00:14:10 documented about the way that the red
@00:24:15 to your imagination and it says red
@00:24:22 tomorrow is october 1st and all i can
@00:25:07 telling us to wait from red october for

Q Anon | Dem's Playbook: Impeach Kavanaugh

@00:01:08 red october q so guys this one's pretty

Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard...

@00:25:44 every vote counts red october midterm
@00:25:47 elections red wave or red tsunami


@00:01:06 honesty part to rally red october
@00:01:22 to be a reference to red october maybe
@00:01:24 red october is referring to red as in
@00:01:28 republican in october isn't the month


@00:21:35 splash as the world turns red october q

Q ANON: Latest News - "BOOM."

@00:21:40 supposedly the i mean the red october

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Public interest shift."

@00:05:41 like red october and other references to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Buckle Up."

@00:03:33 we talked about red october and what
@00:03:36 does that mean and it's actually red
@00:03:37 october a steel plant and q even posts

Q AN0N: Ides of March - "Learn the map."

@00:33:10 and all the way up to this red october

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:08:49 about how there's red october is the
@00:08:57 guys can see it for yourself as red

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water.

@00:18:29 right that is subject line reads red
@00:18:34 october steel plant in stalingrad in
@00:18:46 is what the red october is that q has

Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL

@00:05:01 higher suspect whether red october
@00:05:11 and destroyed itself or the red october
@00:05:37 mobile devices red october was termed an
@00:06:12 where red october is and we are
@00:06:18 red october a insinuation about snowden

LATEST Q ANON: "We See You (Live)" "Final Guest Arrived"

@00:07:25 maybe and then it says red october iron