
Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:28:01 spacex launch so just some strange

Did THEY Give Secret Military Tech To RUS/IRAN/NK?!?!

@00:18:24 north korea neutral tech spacex nasa

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:09:26 bead a mission spacex launch 629 don't

Q AN0N: Latest News - "CL0WN C0NTRIBUTI0NS?"

@00:10:27 spacex tac and it's v obama possibly and
@00:10:36 the spacex technology was turned over

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:25:58 spacex nasa tech to the question market

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:32:20 about the spacex explosion and this was
@00:33:08 spacex launch that people have suggested
@00:34:18 to the spacex spacex rock rocket that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We endure."

@00:02:30 was the north korean new context spacex

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:24:36 missile tech spacex nasa tech to who hrc

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Big Meeting."

@00:01:54 spacex but fascinating article here when
@00:02:49 had facebook twitter spacex all this

Zach / Zack / Zaq Q Level Intel

@00:01:15 you know spacex in conjunction with our
@00:26:13 with spacex you know i must confess i
@00:32:23 patriots and elon musk and spacex in
@00:32:45 meeting with space s with with spacex