Bill Gates

Do You Know What Predictive Programming Is? It's Time To Turn Off The Television!! :coded:

@00:07:33 the virus in 2015 bill gates was warning

Mars Needs Children: :Coded:

@00:10:34 bill gates we could think of

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-6-20

@01:00:54 was bill there he also has a fascination
@01:00:56 with children why would bill gates fly

deleted This Civil War Isn't Organic. Never Fear. White Hats Are In Control! :coded:

@00:01:35 happened to bill gates why is he not in

deleted Are You Serious?! Apple's Update To Support Contact Tracing!? :coded:

@00:01:27 hilarious putin closes gates the russian
@00:01:32 guys microsoft's bill gates and his
@00:10:49 putin closes the gates russian president
@00:10:55 strong word microsoft's bill gates in
@00:11:51 spokesman microsoft founder bill gates

deleted How Does Elon's Character Play Into This [Movie]?! :coded:

@00:19:37 convicted sex offender bill gates left

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!! HAPPY FRIDAY FRENS!!! 4/24/20

@00:10:13 dallas texas checking in bill gates has
@00:12:15 bill gates is everywhere right
@00:19:27 know is it d or v d or b bill gates
@00:21:00 billionaire microsoft founder bill gates

deleted The Words "Light" And "Love" Have More Than One Meaning. :coded:

@00:16:45 tied together think bill gates think

deleted Mike As Vp?! Gates Wants Global Population Injected!! Human DNA In Meat:coded:

@00:07:45 microsoft founder bill gates and his

deleted TRUreporting Live Presser Coverage 4-17-20

@00:22:19 bill gates all the rest of you dick
@00:37:05 called billy badass about bill gates i'm

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 4/15/2020

@00:20:06 talking about back in bill gates he

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:42:03 that's bill gates his dad posing with
@00:42:18 let's check it out boom right here gates
@00:42:23 bill gates senior george soros look at
@00:42:52 he's right here a bill gates senior

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:25:38 how to best prepare god bless well bill
@00:25:41 gates get arrested for the corona great
@00:26:31 it says well bill gates get arrested for

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast And Live Call In Show!

@00:20:35 over this in the podcast why why is bill
@00:20:38 gates in everyone's face
@00:50:31 bill gates from inevitable underscore et
@00:50:56 bill gates in quotes he says mass
@00:51:14 absolutely retweet bill gates says mass
@00:53:44 bill gates gets giddy when he's being

Beyond The Headlines Returns!!

@00:11:01 everything showing pure bright and bill
@00:11:04 gates patented pure bright was set up by
@00:31:16 guys bill gates holding up the book if

deleted Wake Em' Up Wednesday!! 4/1/2020

@00:39:42 i've seen pictures with her and bill
@00:39:43 gates okay alright i think that she's

deleted TRUreporting Podcast + Live Call in Show! 3/19/20

@00:32:13 vaccine was not backed by bill gates it

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:29:11 this bill gate steps down from microsoft
@00:29:13 board microsoft's bill gates stepped

Beyond The Headlines With Special Guest ROSEANNE BARR!

@00:28:25 bill gates yeah dave's great yeah okay
@00:28:41 listen all right bill bill gates has
@00:29:04 so bill gates bill gates has just
@00:29:23 bill gates has stepped down so i mean
@00:30:16 you're gonna pray for bill gates should
@00:30:24 bill gates that that he sees the light

Beyond The Headlines: The Nazi Bell Time Machine

@00:17:51 arabia you could think of you know bill
@00:17:55 gates and elon musk come on a fort so

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:43:22 bill gates should be thrown into a wood

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:30:50 world health organization are the bill
@00:30:52 and melinda gates foundation's do i need

Bill And Thick Ankles Were VERY Close To Jeffrey And Its going Mainstream!! :coded:

@00:16:16 bill and melinda gates foundation making

TRUreporting Live Call In Show Monday September 9th

@00:22:01 that bill gates is tied to all that guys
@00:22:40 bill gates - started playing parenthood

Why The Elite Engage In Systemic Child Sex Abuse : awaken your normie friends :

@00:13:03 director joy litt says bill gates was
@00:13:14 question why does bill gates do what

Proof That Trump Has Made World Leaders Submit!

@00:03:49 we're wondering what exactly bill gates

Where Is Epstein's Body!? Why No Funeral?! :coded:

@00:09:10 kerry you can look into bill gates so

An Incinerator On Epstein Island?

@00:06:48 manhattan mansion including bill gates

What We've Been Patiently Waiting For (DECLAS) Is Happening! The Gloves Are Off!

@00:19:23 gates said that this information is what
@00:19:28 last week with fox news bill hemmer this


@00:59:51 now bill gates is not a good person
@01:01:48 pathan said did you hear about the bill
@01:01:51 gates and the kidnapping bear and trump

Latest Q-Anon Posts !!

@00:21:53 bill gates abramovich island in st.

The SeaPac Plane Crash Wasn't What You Thought It Was!?!

@00:12:39 this base is a stone's throw to bill
@00:12:42 gates jeff bezos the deep the deep

Latest Q Drops / Bill Gates Gets Trolled?! / Iran / Five Eyes

@00:00:13 about bill gates we're gonna talk about
@00:18:39 says bill gates in the white house trump
@00:18:44 advisor he says bill gates meeting with
@00:19:17 time thank god gates is heavenly
@00:19:26 health philanthropy through the bill and
@00:19:28 melinda gates foundation don't believe
@00:19:40 the offer something that gates hug
@00:19:46 bill gates to be honest pretty funny and

Q-Anon Posts May 2nd-4th / JetBlue / Apple HQ / No Name / Savannah GA

@00:24:57 ibm which is you know bill gates nice

Q-Anon Postings / George Soros / Edward Snowden / EPIC

@00:01:42 are the pictures bill & melinda gates
@00:02:19 this page says it's sponsored by bill
@00:02:22 gates and effing google epic question