Five Eyes

Who Keeps Our Minds Closed Off? Who Limits Us? How Do We Unlock It And Expand Our Thinking? :coded:

@00:19:32 eyes i noticed some things
@00:19:34 in the book there were five classes of

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:10:07 all these places the five eyes he's he's

deleted Trade Genius Part2

@00:07:06 what i call the five eyes and in mexico
@00:07:23 and and and what i mean by the five eyes
@00:07:30 five english-speaking countries right us

Was The [PM] The Middle Man For U1?! 63 "Canadians" Died On That Flight!? Think Again! :coded:

@00:12:42 sherman deaths five i spine clinton safe
@00:12:48 anything al billionaires 187 five eyes

Elite Human Hunting Parties?! :coded:

@00:05:19 military five eyes right and governments


@00:14:53 they had australia they had the five
@00:14:54 eyes right bad north korea as the fear
@00:39:18 still five eyes we shall see but you

The Plot Thickens: Epstein's Will Signed Two Days Before "Death" ??!

@00:04:49 five eyes australia remember paul
@00:16:38 australia part of five eyes right and

We Need To Investigate Barry!

@00:07:07 of five eyes material so enjoy our

McAfee Has Taken The Gloves Off! Dead Man Switch Ready To Be Activated!

@00:22:00 laws in the us what five eyes are how

Another "Attempt" Planned On POTUS?! / Health Scares On the Left! Is The Evil Dying Out?

@00:01:16 five eyes and why theresa may is
@00:06:16 center about five eyes we will be

Is J_A Being Tortured In Prison?!

@00:15:53 targeted under the five eyes what

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:28:03 intelligence passed through the five
@00:28:04 eyes to the united states and i've shown

4-16-19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!

@00:13:40 know i know they're part of the five
@00:13:41 eyes you guys are


@00:38:14 november 12 and 5 eyes report was there
@00:38:19 was a five i'd report published i don't


@00:35:06 other countries five eyes so on and so

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 3/11/2019

@00:24:15 we watched uncle buck eyes wide shut yes
@00:24:35 ljo five i will thank you for the the

T.R.U. Reporting 2/27/19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:08:01 israel israel is part of five eyes oh

" A New Phase In The Battle ! "

@00:05:48 congress senate cia and i say intel five
@00:05:51 eyes etc to address and investigate an

Do You Truly Believe We Are At War? Part 2

@00:05:53 foreign acts oh my god five eyes

15 min chat! GO!! [KAV] 50-48 confirmed

@00:16:08 but there are five eyes over there
@00:16:13 top five people i'll throw him at you

"Are You Ready To Be Apart Of History"?!

@00:05:10 are part of the five eyes

All Signers Of FISA Document Are Under Grand Jury Investigation!!

@00:21:50 need australia in the five eyes and blah

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:04:30 the five eyes must learn the true

POTUS Tweets "5 of 5" !! Does This Mean An "ALL GO" For High Profile Arrests?!?

@00:08:15 morning five four five we told you
@00:08:21 going to be important very soon new eyes
@00:08:23 be ready five five we thank you for your

Isaac Kappy Dropping TRUTH BOMBS on 8ch!! #pedogate #NeonRevolt

@00:20:21 spoken to john brennan about me five
@00:20:23 eyes five eyes five eyes priority get

This Is Not A Game. Humanity Is At Stake! -Q

@00:29:38 white house five eyes republican party

I Cover Reports Of 10,000 Missing Government Cared For Children In The U.K

@00:03:59 keep hearing about the five eyes we keep

Fourth Of July Podcast! Alot Going On!!

@00:02:08 i believe and q says reread drops five
@00:02:12 eyes f ve y will be extremely important
@00:02:40 five eyes that's basically like it's
@00:03:08 run the five eyes right so it says
@00:03:13 member of the five eyes alliance of
@00:04:54 official product of the five eyes listen

I'll Be Live Streaming From The Trump Rally Tomorrow!

@00:07:14 eyes be ready 5:5 so i know
@00:07:17 five five you know means basically well

Latest Q Drops / Bill Gates Gets Trolled?! / Iran / Five Eyes

@00:15:44 part of the five eyes why is that
@00:15:52 probably john mccain right so five eyes
@00:15:57 five eyes often abbreviated abbreviated