
Antarctica Plays A Far Larger Role Than We Could Ever Imagine

@00:23:12 nasa found a gigantic rectangular

deleted TRUreporting Presents: Wake Em' Up Wednesday!!!! With Severe Anon and PolarBear Smack!!

@00:38:09 actual that was massive that was nasa

NO MORE GAMES It's Now Time For POTUS To Go On The Offense!! :coded:

@00:05:38 corruption the rocket and aquino's nasa

Beyond The Headlines With Linda Paris!!

@00:08:53 parsons who was part of nasa who was
@00:14:29 talking jack parsons nasa so so people
@00:27:53 everyone associated with nasa pretty
@00:28:06 it's a strange the nasa is a strange
@00:42:20 parsons working for nasa and if you ever
@00:44:12 nasa and there he is with what looks

TRUreporting And Linda Paris Discuss The 1922 Silent Film "HAXAN" !!!

@00:46:43 yes why who's like some kind of nasa

Beyond The Headlines Presents: The Vril Society And German Cults!!

@00:27:43 created nasa all those people were

Tonight From 8pm-10pm EST :BEYOND THE HEADLINES: [Interdimensional Entities]

@00:18:09 think of his name he worked for nasa he
@00:20:31 and um this nasa scientist he decided to
@00:21:11 nasa scientists who blew himself up and
@00:37:59 something about nasa google launched
@00:38:40 was he was working for nasa he wanted to

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:10:52 nasa plays a key role paperclip yeah
@00:50:39 said nasa you know and then the clip
@00:50:55 going into nasa and we know the history
@00:50:59 behind that nasa and you know in the

WikiLeaks: Secret Base On The Moon?!

@00:15:18 says former nasa astronaut and princeton
@00:16:37 organization and nasa has also made some


@00:14:50 kind of set up the same way nasa was i


@00:35:08 space from nasa

TRU Reporting Live Call In show 2/21/2019

@00:30:18 disney is connected to nasa and you know
@00:30:42 and so these nasa people and these


@01:02:54 i've seen nasa take off from cocoa beach

What The MSM Won't Tell You About The Life Of George H.W. Bush!

@00:07:39 help us build up nasa he was part of

An Extensive Interview With Jordan Sather. #AboveMajestic #TheGreatAwakening

@00:24:08 nasa mit harvard yale really great at
@00:44:01 spacex and nasa to me are just smoke

fires, shootings , and fraud OH MY!!

@00:34:05 from nasa christian missouri and we got

Trump To Take Things Into His Own Hands! #KEK #Qanon #WWG1WGA

@00:17:19 what come on come on the nasa tries to

MEMES / Hurricane Florence / James O'Keefe / Big Week Ahead / WWG1WGA

@00:04:40 guys saw this but nasa scientists

8-28-18 TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:59:58 nasa is trash i think it's just a money
@01:01:23 believe it as a base true reporting nasa
@01:01:28 it's garbage don't believe nasa space

"There Is A Reason Why We Had To Go Mainstream"

@00:11:15 attack on flat earthers nasa skeptics

JFK Jr. Assassination Anniversary (Q=17) (Q+=18) Coincidence?

@00:10:47 on to nasa he demanded to know who the

"The Missing "I." Satellite, Iridium, And The Importance Of Secure Comms." By: NEON REVOLT

@00:11:14 of nasa and iridium satellites delayed
@00:11:39 falcon 9 launch to include pair of nasa
@00:12:02 projects that was on may 11th nasa

Who Is Marina Abramovic Related To? This Is Getting Too REAL!

@00:21:27 out there to rival the net to rival nasa

I explain: updated Q posts, Seth Rich, D.U.M.B's, Decoded Q posts, and alot more!

@00:05:19 u.s. capacity kill nasa prevents space