
TRUreporting And Redpill78 Discuss The Future Of America :coded:

@00:10:10 the parkland high school in florida had
@00:28:32 parents of the the parkland incident


@00:08:41 happens at parkland they cut out cut out

3/20/19 T.R.U.reporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:48:12 there was a countdown parkland happened

T.R.U. Reporting 3/12/19

@00:28:45 not even gonna get into parkland because

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!

@00:55:03 for parkland shooting about d-h and it

This TimeLine Is So Crazy! Its Being Altered By White Hats!

@00:03:19 parkland high school hmm what happened
@00:03:22 at parkland high school doesn't that
@00:18:44 old stuff that we see in parkland
@00:19:27 us half house representative parkland
@00:19:30 shooting nicolas cruz parkland school
@00:23:27 parkland high school shooting the same
@00:23:48 parkland shooting under sheriff israel

Read Between The Lines! POTUS Is Speaking Directly To Us!

@00:04:14 to parkland the parkland shooting we can

A Labor Day Packed With Vital Information!

@00:04:54 think of parkland wins florida wayne

The SeaPac Plane Crash Wasn't What You Thought It Was!?!

@00:14:09 right here parkland washington down here

34 Bishops Resign Over Sex Abuse / MEMES / Mole Within Trump Campaign Exposed

@00:15:38 this one look into it so parkland
@00:15:45 jfk parkland hospital school shooting
@00:16:29 parkland high school that reunited
@00:25:00 shooting at parkland so another guy

Does James Comey Answer To A Satanic Cult Leader?! YOU BET!

@00:15:35 stamp on commis tweet 509 the parkland

John Bolton / Omnibus Bill / March For Our Lives / Senior Executive Service

@00:15:02 parkland those four kids who went to

Thomas Paine / Red Castle-Green Castle / Latest Q-Anon

@00:14:34 obvious inconsistencies in the parkland

Kushner & Podesta / Q-"Winding Back The Clock" / Fighting Back

@00:04:13 kevin hogg 51 of parkland florida is
@00:04:23 parkland florida before florida they did
@00:05:29 photo is from the parkland high school
@00:07:06 parkland story busted wood band videos
@00:07:30 blanks at kids parkland shooting falls
@00:08:19 testimonies that prove the parkland high
@00:11:10 aka samuel's life 25 years old parkland

Trump Signals Us / Psychological Warfare / Q-Anon Postings

@00:15:02 think it was today with trump parkland
@00:16:19 right here just more the same parkland
@00:16:58 shows the parkland school resource

I Go INDEPTH Into Today's Q-Anons (MK-Ultra Postings) "Incredible".

@00:32:21 completely program a human in parkland
@00:32:29 about parkland and florida

NSA Attack Today/ Florida Flase Flag? / Q Anon Links to get you up to date!

@00:03:51 parkland high school shooting at least
@00:05:13 other threat remains parkland is about