
TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-18-20

@00:15:30 i got it done haha traffic travis shay

deleted How Does Elon's Character Play Into This [Movie]?! :coded:

@00:20:25 travis scott and kim kardashian elon

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5-11-2020

@00:11:16 travis antonio what's up rasta bear mary

deleted Durham Adds Violent Crime Agents To Investigation!! Gavin's Twitter Symbol!? :coded:

@00:07:54 flashback travis view and frederick

Beyond The Headlines With Linda Paris!

@00:45:14 haven't heard the second one but travis
@00:46:13 know about travis we'll go ahead land if
@00:46:33 travis walton is you can look up the
@00:46:55 interview with him travis walton years
@00:48:22 was part of the travis walton walk they

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM-CALL-IN-SHOW With Special Guest Linda Paris From McAllister TV!!!!

@00:33:39 has this guy travis e that's his name
@00:33:44 norman travis e and he comes from a
@00:33:49 norman travis e is bringing troy

The Hunt: A Movie About Killing Trump Supporters?! :coded:

@00:10:33 says travis view a researcher who

Do You Truly Believe We Are At War? Part 2

@00:12:20 travis had been capitalizing on q's air
@00:12:59 just travis view basically bashing
@00:13:12 tapwater travis has been sowing discord

Do You Truly Believe We Are At War? PART 1

@00:17:03 they take rat tail travis who i've sent
@00:17:06 rub-a-dub a redubbed tapped water travis
@00:17:25 profile travis view right here q anon
@00:18:56 water travis would have a leg wouldn't
@00:22:39 since travis likes to go on and on about
@00:22:47 interview tapwater travis gave to this
@00:23:02 can and in a and in it travis makes a
@00:23:57 to travis yeah interviewer to quote and
@00:24:07 yeah i mean this is what travis says
@00:25:13 this uh travis says you know this is
@00:27:06 predictions in travis floride brain why
@00:27:12 his timeline but hmm i wonder how travis
@00:27:33 bigness here now travis or maybe somehow
@00:27:42 surely you're aware of it travis you
@00:27:52 not only does travis not have to hold
@00:28:04 nothing even remotely resembling travis
@00:29:21 tapwater travis mentioned jared holds
@00:29:26 one who interviewed travis in the other


@01:09:24 me - colin possibly man teach travis