Something Devastating Is Headed Our Way, Which Is A Good Thing - Episode 1467b

from X22Report



@00:14:23 know they're setting up shop in china


@00:06:30 james comey original drafting from may
@00:06:45 decriminalizing her behavior when comey


@00:11:38 realize once all these indictments and
@00:11:43 there is thousands of sealed indictments
@00:13:59 all this happens and the indictments

false flag

@00:13:17 be some type of major false flag right

North Korea

@00:10:04 see in north korea and south korea the
@00:10:17 strike against the north now the wall
@00:10:23 north but south korea and north korea
@00:10:49 south korea is also considering lifting
@00:10:52 the sanctions on north korea and the
@00:11:04 aircraft carrier is headed towards north
@00:11:07 korea it's supposed to arrive there
@00:11:20 cabal trying to put pressure on north
@00:11:23 korea remember there's still factions


@00:03:29 they had this proof it turns out to be a
@00:03:31 lie the cia says they have this proof