Q Anon: "Be aware of your surroundings."

from JustInformed Talk ™️


Deep state

@00:01:03 editorial in the deep state corruption
@00:01:14 deep state gift take the reigns of the
@00:02:48 was put together by those in the deep
@00:02:55 state trying to basically use this phony
@00:05:31 reporters are influenced by the deep
@00:05:33 state and if you don't watch that go


@00:01:42 twitter again at justin underscore form
@00:01:44 on twitter and you guys can come find
@00:19:11 come over here and find me at twitter
@00:19:12 you can find me at twitter at justin
@00:19:17 go because i back on twitter i want to

false flag

@00:16:22 of false flag stage by maduro himself in


@00:03:41 redacted out of it it's a 99 page a fisa
@00:07:53 uncovered in this fisa and the fact that


@00:09:46 it's a part of mkultra and mind-control
@00:09:52 people say i mean we know about mkultra