Read Between The Lines! POTUS Is Speaking Directly To Us!

from TRUreporting



@00:05:30 clintons the obamas george soros think
@00:10:32 funded by george soros and they it this

Military tribunals

@00:05:23 and military tribunals i mean all of

Deep state

@00:05:00 and he's talking to the deep state that


@00:02:33 me on twitter at true reporting and
@00:12:01 on twitter at true reporting also leave


@00:04:14 to parkland the parkland shooting we can

false flag

@00:00:48 that has false flag draped all over it i
@00:07:53 two false flags that are coming in i'm
@00:07:56 not so sure if the caravan is a false
@00:07:58 flag
@00:08:01 false flag it's definitely created by
@00:08:44 biggest joke this the most sloppy false
@00:08:48 flag we've ever seen and the caravan


@00:10:14 the proof of this he goes we're gonna