deleted 9.15.18 - Sessions Begins Antitrust Pre-Action, 200B MORE China Tariffs, Clintons&Pope Are Evil

from Dustin Nemos



@00:04:52 to meet with jeff sessions about
@00:05:12 the sessions is activated thing because
@00:05:21 supporting and defending jeff sessions
@00:05:46 come out and attack jeff sessions it's
@00:05:52 played into believing that jeff sessions
@00:05:56 and and they had to protect sessions
@00:06:25 sessions trust sessions and it's one of

William Barr

@00:12:20 and you're pulling down the bar and
@00:12:24 another bar underneath that one i think


@00:03:41 twitter and i actually helped expose
@00:07:36 dorsey jack dorsey over at twitter the
@00:07:43 tape that twitter is so liberal that