Big Tech Panic: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

from Sean Morgan



@00:08:41 this thing called covid sars
@00:15:13 mandatory covid testing where they stick

William Barr

@00:27:31 you know attorney general barr was was

Deep state

@00:09:37 to the deep state so that
@00:24:40 the deep state which is really just the
@00:26:06 and the question is what is the deep
@00:26:09 state going to do
@00:26:25 the deep state doesn't want us to
@00:26:40 deep state is going to ramp up and it's


@00:02:44 um twitter and fa and youtube and
@00:09:43 they they suspended the twitter account
@00:10:06 one of the personalities on twitter that
@00:12:58 ever been on twitter
@00:13:20 and twitter and some of these big tech
@00:13:47 either twitter shut down their their
@00:13:50 hats shut down the twitter website


@00:26:46 and that should be your proof that they