deleted Daniel, Boogie & I Discuss the Border, the Space Force & Q Anon

from prayingmedic



@00:35:29 government that's like the nsa or nasa


@00:27:07 was a spacex launch it kind of went
@00:27:22 he was actually posting about spacex in

Deep state

@00:37:37 about the deep state right now for i
@00:38:58 the way about the takedown of the deep
@00:39:01 state that takedown of you know corrupt


@00:05:16 argue on twitter for two weeks about the
@00:13:19 thank you buddy for hijacking my twitter
@00:13:31 changed my twitter background two nights
@00:17:09 team is following my twitter timeline
@00:17:15 my twitter threads and then q will
@00:17:25 that q is following my twitter threads
@00:34:02 lisa made crowley on twitter i do okay
@00:34:08 like me who's does twitter threads iq
@00:40:32 twitter put it out on youtube to kind of
@00:41:22 him on twitter for a while we follow
@00:44:18 eric trump's twitter timeline he posts
@00:45:20 from the white house twitter account on
@00:45:37 twitter account and trump retweeted that
@00:45:56 somebody sent me a message on twitter

false flag

@00:05:06 narrative whether it's a false flag that
@00:06:52 false flag to retake the narrative from


@00:28:19 pedophile rings and i'm talking enough


@00:04:10 a lot of underground chatter that

Pizza gate

@00:28:15 because i don't talk enough about pizza
@00:28:18 gate i don't talk enough about the