QAnon PROOF #1 POTUS TWEET, +++, AND the Saudi Arabian Purge 11 6 17

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:00:30 roth trials are the soros let's go ahead
@00:03:26 rothschild six plus plus soros six plus
@00:03:53 rothschild two pluses soros one plus
@00:04:24 saudi arabia rothschild soros


@00:03:26 rothschild six plus plus soros six plus
@00:03:53 rothschild two pluses soros one plus
@00:04:24 saudi arabia rothschild soros
@00:05:22 rothschild plus plus stauros plus focus


@00:00:08 this is cueing on proof number one
@00:00:39 proof number one but it contains two
@00:02:41 point you know proof of queue so how is
@00:02:45 it a proof well because q posted the
@00:05:59 did just that yet another proof of queue
@00:06:08 what i'm calling proof number one there
@00:07:38 i'm calling this proof one because

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:24 saudi arabia rothschild soros
@00:04:35 well and then so return to saudi arabia
@00:04:39 okay so this is when after the saudi
@00:06:16 saudi / just because the news doesn't
@00:06:20 and he says why were the events in saudi
@00:06:23 arabia extra nor ordinary who was
@00:07:04 what just happened in saudi arabia the