deleted DN Drug Economy and Border Wars - breathalyzer Machines Bogus

from Dustin Nemos



@00:02:12 is of course china for those who have
@00:02:33 expansionist sort of you know one china
@00:02:39 take over the south china sea and we're
@00:02:59 throughout europe africa and china and
@00:03:13 that is what would put china at the top
@00:03:24 won't stand up to china our our coaches
@00:03:31 human rights abuses in china because
@00:03:33 their own china owns hollywood now at
@00:04:47 response to what's happening in china
@00:05:07 competitor for china in that area this
@00:08:19 dollar the fact that russia and china is
@00:08:26 they china will buy the oil and then


@00:06:14 raping and trafficking the illegal
@00:14:58 means sex trafficking or torture if


@00:04:20 twitter high standards deliver high


@00:01:03 in mexico by the cartels and sort of a
@00:01:12 is basically an offer to invade mexico
@00:05:37 old because these gangsters in mexico
@00:06:08 that's what's happening in mexico they
@00:14:41 mexico from president trump's words a
@00:14:53 children and some missing if mexico
@00:15:02 mexico needs or requests help and
@00:15:16 mexico has made this a big issue but the
@00:15:32 mexico like yeah the the cartel in
@00:15:34 mexico can take out the mexican
@00:15:41 that's what the cartel can do in mexico
@00:15:56 but for mexico for south america to send