deleted Information Warfare: We're In For One Hell Of A Show!! :coded:

from TRUreporting



@00:10:37 quotes and likely manipulated by china i
@00:25:21 cdc into china as early as january 3rd
@00:25:25 trump banned travel from china while
@00:26:09 china led to the world about what was


@00:26:23 responsible for the corona you know what


@00:16:55 post 4331 john brennan obama cia
@00:17:16 manipulated by in the kill box brennan


@00:17:33 comey barack obama hillary clinton nancy

Deep state

@00:10:58 deep state to have the biggest economy


@00:01:22 and jack dorsey the head of twitter a
@00:01:28 twitter but in the meantime cathy
@00:01:36 on twitter where does the bias end it
@00:02:04 see here from fox news that the twitter
@00:02:11 trump post is at twitter at jack going
@00:09:03 people are getting kicked off of twitter
@00:21:28 coming at us from fox news twitter
@00:21:49 twitter to slap a new misleading warning
@00:22:07 and other twitter users especially when
@00:22:09 twitter is under fire for alleged
@00:23:29 dictatorships like jack dorsey twitter
@00:24:59 them is at twitter at jack this is
@00:28:31 for the first time twitter labels fact


@00:27:11 there you go proof is in the pudding