@00:06:49 month and day that he durham was
@00:06:51 what famous crime family did durham
@00:07:00 durham also spearheaded mob prosecutions
@00:07:16 to durham target see is in brackets we
@00:07:20 know that durham investigated the cia
@00:08:13 right so now we know that durham was
@00:09:49 being launched durham was probably also
@00:10:18 believe well we know that john durham
@00:10:51 attorneys probably durham that was on
@00:12:08 know that durham has been investigating
@00:12:26 kiev linked to durham specialized in
Looking Glass
@00:04:25 a twitter status from clark pen pen
@00:10:01 twitter a couple days ago that sessions
@00:14:00 the trump twitter archive on the right
@00:14:17 standard time from the trump twitter
@00:15:08 try to post a tweet on twitter within 1
@00:18:25 jack jack dorsey ceo twitter project
@00:20:36 he's on twitter he is promoting himself